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Universal Great Britain

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Not true.

Any government will invest where they think they’ll get a decent return. HS2 was the previous government’s white elephant too.
I thought they'd cancelled HS2, and sold off the land? I haven't been following the news though. I just remember the fallout when they cancelled the northern routes, a few months ago.
That's weird. The page went all weird for a while, all the text was scattered randomly, and half a dozen posts since yesterday have now disappeared. Does that happen a lot on this forum?
That's weird. The page went all weird for a while, all the text was scattered randomly, and half a dozen posts since yesterday have now disappeared. Does that happen a lot on this forum?

We tried to upgrade the forums last night but it caused a major issue - so we had to backup everything as of yesterday morning; meaning all of Tuesday’s posts after 5am were lost. We’re sorry about that!
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lot of this stuff with the letter is noise. When the tories were in power they were doing the same thing Labour will be doing, haggling on price.

Both parties will have a number in mind for what they are prepared to pay. Any subsidies negotiations will take months regardless. This notion that Universal will throw a strop and walk away are fantasy, either the board approved the money or it didn't. It wouldn't be a very good business decision on NBCU part if the entire costings of the project were contingent on getting a full discount from UK PLC. Ask yourself how much discount on a multi billion project youd be willing to accept before you just had to get on with it all, cos you know youll make it back with ROI eventually?
It’s all gone suspiciously quite recently, let’s hope there’s a lot going on behind the scenes!
I think the new Gov is getting its ducks in a row. Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, is due to give a speech on Monday about the state of the country finances and the outcomes a Treasury report on the current state of things. There will be nothing new in the report, it was all known about well before the election. I reckon that any major announcements on investments will be getting put on hold until after the speech, as that is going to claim a big black hole in finances and a need to raise taxes, so they probably want to time any Universal announcement to best effect.
From the recent noises about attracting investment, including announcements made by Rachel Reeves on a recent visit to the USA, it seems highly likely that any foreign investment opportunity is going to be well received, so hopes are high, but we may have to be patient.
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