Universal Orlando Resort Expansion (Part 1) | Page 379 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal Orlando Resort Expansion (Part 1)

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I take it that it is a grading diagram which is divided up by dotted lines. Does anyone know what the dotted lines represent? Are they new dotted lines created for Universal or are they historic subdivision markers?
They look to be sub-basins related to the mass grading/drainage permit. Water is stored and flow between basins in an engineered manner.
You think Universal might revive that Warner Bros World idea later on around 2028 when the various Looney/DC deal with Six Flags and others are up for renegotiation? i.e. Warner can exclude Florida from the next Looney/DC deal with Six Flags and possibly LOTR could play into that.

It sounds reasonable for a smaller 4th dry park of around 40-50 acres (maybe partially or wholly indoors - could also be entirely outdoors, just guessing).

I guess it'll depend on how much expansion land is leftover after they build the 3rd dry park/CityWalk 2.0/hotels, but it's interesting that the idea was at least proposed. It just sounds like the kind of idea that would make much more sense as the 4th dry park instead (which is why I can foresee Universal going back to that idea).
You think Universal might revive that Warner Bros World idea later on around 2028 when the various Looney/DC deal with Six Flags and others are up for renegotiation? i.e. Warner can exclude Florida from the next Looney/DC deal with Six Flags and possibly LOTR could play into that.

It sounds reasonable for a smaller 4th dry park of around 40-50 acres (maybe partially or wholly indoors - could also be entirely outdoors, just guessing).

I guess it'll depend on how much expansion land is leftover after they build the 3rd dry park/CityWalk 2.0/hotels, but it's interesting that the idea was at least proposed. It just sounds like the kind of idea that would make much more sense as the 4th dry park instead (which is why I can foresee Universal going back to that idea).
That could still be the plan. I am assuming Universal walked because that string of info I was getting stopped cold.

I looked into the Six Flags rights back in Nov. or so when I heard the rumor. The buyout price goes down the closer they get to the end of the current contract (2027 for LT, 2028 for DC). They wouldn't have to wait until 2028. By 2025-26 the rights wouldn't be cost prohibitive to buy out.

If WB was going to build a WB World in the US, I don't think they would let Six Flags keep any of the rights.
Just from eyeballing it those plots look roughly the same size as the existing garages at the north campus.

It's not far off at all. The current car parks are about 16 acres each, these are roughly 18 acres. Bigger land area allows for fewer floors and I think sight lines could be a very slight issue here.
It's not far off at all. The current car parks are about 16 acres each, these are roughly 18 acres. Bigger land area allows for fewer floors and I think sight lines could be a very slight issue here.
There will also have to be access roads around the garages to get folks in and out.
That could still be the plan. I am assuming Universal walked because that string of info I was getting stopped cold.

I looked into the Six Flags rights back in Nov. or so when I heard the rumor. The buyout price goes down the closer they get to the end of the current contract (2027 for LT, 2028 for DC). They wouldn't have to wait until 2028. By 2025-26 the rights wouldn't be cost prohibitive to buy out.

If WB was going to build a WB World in the US, I don't think they would let Six Flags keep any of the rights.
Yeah, it just seems like it'd be sensible for Universal to go back to that idea depending on what the sizes of the expansion plots are for the south resort.

If they leave 50 or so acres for a smaller 2nd dry park attached to CityWalk 2.0, it does make sense to go to Warners and cut a longer term deal that wraps in Harry Potter and a potential Warner Brothers World.

Something like:

110 acre main dry park around 2022-2023 (Nintendo, DreamWorks, etc.)
50-60 acre 2nd dry park "Warner Bros World" around 2027-2030 (DC, Looney, FB/HP, LOTR?, etc.)
40 acre water park around 2024-2026

That'd bring you to 210-220 acres across 3 parks and then another 100 acres for CityWalk 2.0+garages+transportation leaves the remainder for 5-6 hotels.
110 acre main dry park around 2022-2023 (Nintendo, DreamWorks, etc.)
50-60 acre 2nd dry park "Warner Bros World" around 2027-2030 (DC, Looney, FB/HP, LOTR?, etc.)
40 acre water park around 2024-2026
I don't see any way they don't have a 2nd water park immediately.
If park opens fall of 2022, they'll have a waterpark summer of 2023. If it opens spring of 2023, they'll have a waterpark summer of 2023. I don't see it being pushed off any longer than 9 months.

Water parks have immediate ROI- whereas dry parks take years.
I wonder how Universal will approach a full Warner Bros themed park. Universal-Warner Studios? I mean, if the park is just called Warner Bros Park, people would think it's not at Universal... unless they just say something simple as Warner Bros Studios Park - at Universal Orlando Resort.
I wonder how Universal will approach a full Warner Bros themed park. Universal-Warner Studios? I mean, if the park is just called Warner Bros Park, people would think it's not at Universal... unless they just say something simple as Warner Bros Studios Park - at Universal Orlando Resort.
Like MGM (DHS now) at WDW Disney ?
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