I think this park the most needs to invest in entertainment, as that is a way to keep the crowds. The parade looks okay, but I may not be a parade person. Cinesational looks amazing, that should stay all year long. Eventually incorporate holiday overlays.
Bourne is best addition since Diagon Alley for sure. A Ghostbusters show of same quality would be amazing for the NY area. Up the street atmosphere around the parks too like they were pre Covid.
Put something, anything, in FFL that is a decent show. There’s a million directions they can go. Those 3 shows being must do’s will keep guests in the park longer, and later with Cinesationsl.
New coaster being VC levels sounds great. I’d like a dark ride in Dreamworks as well.
Ultimately? It sounds like Pokémon may be fixing all the problems we see with the park. I’d be floored if there isn’t a dark ride, I’d be floored if there isn’t a highly themed more family friendly coaster, I’d be shocked if there isn’t flat rides, I’d be shocked if there isn’t AA’s everywhere like SNW, I bet they can do a Pokémon stadium show as well.
Just throwing ideas out there, but when you think of what Pokémon will be with what’s rumored, this single addition should help the park lineup immensely.