There's so much that needs to be done at the Studio's park attraction wise, that it's going to take a long time. A number of weak new attractions, and some attractions that are feeling very outdated, have resulted in a difficult situation. Business/financial realities are only going to allow for a slow attraction replacement. But, Universal, in the meantime can play to the park's strength. Diagon is the most impressive land in any theme park. New York is such a realistic back lot type of area that it's an attraction unto itself. Hollywood is close behind. Street entertainment is excellent. The parade and night show (when it runs, lottery like) are very good to excellent. And, the attendance drivers....HHN/Holidays/Mardi Gras are among the best anywhere. So while there's attraction weaknesses, there's plusses elsewhere. If Universal can concentrate, and improve, the strengths, and perhaps add a summer festival, they can tread water like Epcot has. The new attractions will come, but that's going to be a long slow pace because economic realities rule.