Universal's Epic Universe Wish List & Speculation | Page 284 | Inside Universal Forums

Universal's Epic Universe Wish List & Speculation

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I would guess they use the same technology as Mario Kart.

Kinda hoping it's not Oculus lol. If we're gonna do VR, it better be the best headset out there. Oculus, for all it's advantages, ain't it.

I mean, this could be really cool if it's done correctly. I just think that's more something that should be limited to a side attraction in a land full of rides instead of one of the main events. I want something more special for that.
Kinda hoping it's not Oculus lol. If we're gonna do VR, it better be the best headset out there. Oculus, for all it's advantages, ain't it.

I mean, this could be really cool if it's done correctly. I just think that's more something that should be limited to a side attraction in a land full of rides instead of one of the main events. I want something more special for that.
It’s not even the land’s main attraction, let alone one of the park’s. The land also has the largest dark ride in the park and apparently a theater.
Well at least no one will be complaining about "there's too many screen rides at this park" with Epic Universe; other than Mario Kart and possibly the Harry Potter attractions :)
If I remember correctly, it's rumored to be a trackless ride system, involve multiple Ministries, and use projection mapping for the FLOW teleportation.

Alicia has said they went back to the drawing board, possibly as a result of Rise being such a monster hit. I distinctly remember her saying something about how mindblowing their plans were for WW 3.0, so that made me think she was referring to what they’re now going with instead? I hope it’s something that can “beat” RotR for people (haven’t been on it, think it would be about #3-ish in my dark ride rankings behind TOT and MIB but it’s most people’s #1 so yeah).

Well at least no one will be complaining about "there's too many screen rides at this park" with Epic Universe; other than Mario Kart and possibly the Harry Potter attractions :)

“Other than THAT, Mrs. Lincoln...” seriously though as long as it’s just the VR thing apart from MK, it should be good. But when you phrase it like that, to include the headlining Potter attraction (whatever the heck it is), then yeah.
This thread reads as:

“Hey Universal, this park sounds fantastic, truly! I mean it! But, can you make it any better please?”
I have issues with the mechanical design of the park (the lands not connecting to each other is just kind of a PITA), and am a bit irked that overall it feels like a park full of cast off projects from IOA/USF, but it’s still going to be fun so :shrug:
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Reserve all judgement until it's built. So many things can be plussed (or cut) between now and then. There are so many intangibles with a new park until it's actually built.

MOST parks on paper look lacking, especially when they first open. Animal Kingdom still looks lacking when you look at the attraction lineup, but when you're actually there you realize there is more to it. If you look at Hogsmeade or Diagon on paper just as the individual attractions they seem incomplete. The atmosphere, the food, the shops are all a HUGE part of the experiences for those places and make the experience whole beyond the actual rides and attractions.

Once again the operative words for Epic Universe are "immersive experience". Diagon level theming for all lands. Themed experiences not just attractions.
We're theme park fans, we'll always have nitpicks. But really that's all this is is a crap load of nitpicks, me included. Come 3-4 years from now when the park is open, people will be saying how great it is.

Apparently we can add theme park attraction line-ups to the list with HHN house line-ups and Mardi Gras concert schedules. All things that even when spectacular in their final execution can never compete with fans' mental wish lists. It's almost like there's a pattern in the fandom ...
Apparently we can add theme park attraction line-ups to the list with HHN house line-ups and Mardi Gras concert schedules. All things that even when spectacular in their final execution can never compete with fans' mental wish lists. It's almost like there's a pattern in the fandom ...
I mean, i'm sure back when DCA was being designed and when it opened, if Twitter was around, Disney would've gotten torched. I mean, they DID get torched for it, it just wasn't amplified as much because the common-folk didn't yet have a megaphone to scream into at every turn. But I guess to be more fair (rather than sound like i'm comparing EU to original DCA), even something like Tokyo Disney Sea probably would've been criticized.

Like you said, the fandom always thinks they know how to do everything better than the people who are getting paid to do it.
I mean, i'm sure back when DCA was being designed and when it opened, if Twitter was around, Disney would've gotten torched. I mean, they DID get torched for it, it just wasn't amplified as much because the common-folk didn't yet have a megaphone to scream into at every turn. But I guess to be more fair (rather than sound like i'm comparing EU to original DCA), even something like Tokyo Disney Sea probably would've been criticized.

Like you said, the fandom always thinks they know how to do everything better than the people who are getting paid to do it.
Hey, I actually do think TDS needs more rides! (Thankfully it’s getting some soon haha)
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As you said, the fandom always thinks they know how to do everything better than the people who are getting paid to do it.
More people than you can count go into the industry thinking they can change things for the better and often do not succeed. Bottom line is that most of what these parks present don't really need to be changed as far as systems go and are just really dumb nitpicks by fans.
I am not saying everything is perfect, but some of the things people complain about are just bizarre.

On an opposite note, I have to say the layout of this park looks... interesting.
It's different for sure, but is it too ambitious? Will guests like to keep walking through that hub area to enter the different parts of the park?
Personally, I think I would get sick of it eventually. No matter how breathtaking or interesting it may look, the hub may be what brings this park down. If there are a healthy amount of attractions in there like some speculate, it may solve the problem of going through essentially what many might call a dead space, but it will still be annoying to drag through, almost like an obstacle. Just imagine if you wanted to go from Nintendo to Monsters and had to go through that hub. Then you might want to go over to Berk, so you go across the hub once again.
This will continue every time you want to move destinations in this park. Every. Single. Time.
Let that sink in...

There is a reason why parks are essentially circles, it's so you don't see the same thing over and over unless you turn around and go back.
Once you reach the same area in a park that you have already seen during that visit (if you are traveling in a straight motion all the way through like most guests.) it is usually near the front entrance or where you started. The Hub changes everything about the layout formula regarding theme parks.
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