I actually think Universal is very aggressively trying to build nostalgia and, thus, generational loyalty - its something which, as you say, Disney has in huge amounts and Universal will need to compete in the long term. That's largely the reason behind the Legacy and (until recently) Prop Shop. Its why they have been very aggressively pushing King Kong, ET, Jaws, and Back to the Future merchandise, identifying those as the four core "nostalgic" properties of the resort. It's why they created Earl the Squirrel as a holiday icon, something they lacked. Its why we've seen more and more retro HHN merchandise crop up. More broadly, its why Universal has been engaging so aggressively in playful displays of "fan service." In many ways, Uni has been much more proactive in developing and leveraging a sense of nostalgia then Disney recently - which makes sense, because they need it. They're actively building a shared past for the resort.