This is the key point from here on out.
If you need medical attention and it’s slowed because the ICU is filled with clowns who didn’t get vaccinated, it doesn’t matter whether or not you’re vaccinated. Since we’ve found that vaccinated, asymptomatic people can be spreaders of delta, not wearing a mask indoors can contribute to the Covid-tangential problem that you or one of your loved ones may encounter.
I get it, people just want to get back to “normal” (which to be honest, wearing a mask isn’t stopping you from doing anything). But in the spectrum of global catastrophic events, would you rather wear a mask or deal with an asteroid impact like the dinosaurs had to face?
I have to say, I’m disappointed in Universal but not surprised. Nor am I surprised by SeaWorld, but I’d say that’s more because they don’t really seem to take much leadership in things like this - probably because they’re all stretched so thin.