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Love all of your comments. Good stuff.

Trimmed way down to focus on one point.

Okay, that didn't work... pasting it in here.

Re. Dolores/William
    • This is the worst storyline of the entire series. We all started out caring about Delores- now I simply don't. I'm glad El Lazo is gone too. The 3 of them are the weakest actors of the bunch. It would be interesting if this is actually Delores' early loop. Maybe shes done this train ride with El Lazo 500 times before with 500 different guys and had that same "dream" of the painting they are about to see 500 times before. And William, thinking this is the place he doesn't pretend, where Delores really has feelings for him, is the same thing shes programmed to do day in day out. That reality and "everything I know is fake" might be what puts him over the edge.
      • Interesting thought about Dolores' loop. I've thought that, too. We saw her daily loop - but maybe they have a 'weekly' loop: Mon - Sat, drop the can and follow that path. Sunday, drop the can, then convince the poor schmuck that picked it up to go chase this 'freewill' idea. ;)
      • Following the 2 timeframe idea - maybe William/Dolores get to the 'end' and realize they can't finish this alone. They need some additional info and maybe another person or two. Maybe that ending required Teddy and Dolores to be together. 30 years later, MiB has gone through this quest 50 times trying different things and finally came across the Dolores/Teddy combo he is running now?
      • Meanwhile, Dolores has tried the loop with other newcomers and wasn't able to finish.
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I don't dislike Will and Dolores like you guys do but they are the ones with the least interesting parts so far. I do feel this is because they are setting up motivations/truths that are integral to the plot where everything else is already beginning to unfold and therefore more interesting.

The one thing that bothers be about ERW acting is her wildly inconsistent accent. I am not sure if it is a hint to different builds/time periods as memories/repetition do add the improvisation. It could just be an inconsistent performance on her part, which is amplified by how good most of the main cast is.
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Love all of your comments. Good stuff.

Trimmed way down to focus on one point.

Okay, that didn't work... pasting it in here.

Re. Dolores/William
    • This is the worst storyline of the entire series. We all started out caring about Delores- now I simply don't. I'm glad El Lazo is gone too. The 3 of them are the weakest actors of the bunch. It would be interesting if this is actually Delores' early loop. Maybe shes done this train ride with El Lazo 500 times before with 500 different guys and had that same "dream" of the painting they are about to see 500 times before. And William, thinking this is the place he doesn't pretend, where Delores really has feelings for him, is the same thing shes programmed to do day in day out. That reality and "everything I know is fake" might be what puts him over the edge.
      • Interesting thought about Dolores' loop. I've thought that, too. We saw her daily loop - but maybe they have a 'weekly' loop: Mon - Sat, drop the can and follow that path. Sunday, drop the can, then convince the poor schmuck that picked it up to go chase this 'freewill' idea. ;)
      • Following the 2 timeframe idea - maybe William/Dolores get to the 'end' and realize they can't finish this alone. They need some additional info and maybe another person or two. Maybe that ending required Teddy and Dolores to be together. 30 years later, MiB has gone through this quest 50 times trying different things and finally came across the Dolores/Teddy combo he is running now?
      • Meanwhile, Dolores has tried the loop with other newcomers and wasn't able to finish.

Well- if it is two storylines- we know the current storyline is guest picks up can or teddy picks up can or no one picks up can. Then go paint. Then have bandits at house or not.
But we don't know what the old storyline is. Outside of dropping a can.
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Tonight ! I normally watch the first 40 -45 mins then head to bed due to work in the early am, may watch the whole thing tonight.
Tonight ! I normally watch the first 40 -45 mins then head to bed due to work in the early am, may watch the whole thing tonight.
Good plan - you might not be able to stop this one mid-stream. ;)

I watched a second time last night. It felt fast on the initial view (which I also had to stay up later than I wanted to watch it), but last night, it felt like it was only 30 minutes long.

My comments from the second viewing:
  • While watching, I was thinking, "Who do we know is human?" and there is no one, and may never be anyone, that we can say is a human. To Andysol's point, even ourselves.
    • At first, I thought "Clearly Charlotte is human, right? The Board sent her, so that means she's been in the outside world." But, we don't KNOW any of that! And even if we see her in the outside world in a future scene, we know that's unreliable because we saw Bernard in what appeared to be an outside scene.
    • We know for sure now that we have an unreliable narrator, so nothing that we are presented can be trusted.
    • Even if Bernard would have seen the door or the blueprint of himself, we wouldn't know if Ford 'let' him see those specific things or not.
  • Which brings me to a possibility - maybe Charlotte is a Ford creation, too.
    • He could have created her as a test for Theresa
    • Charlotte is the first to say 'blood letting', then Ford specifically uses that line on Theresa later. Sure, it's possible that the Hector-bot was listening in, or even that Ford has microphones everywhere, but that line perfectly played into his end game enough that he could have wrote it from the start.
    • Charlotte could have also been sent to pry info out of Siesmore at the bar.
  • Maeve/Felix/Sylvester
    • I wish they would have given us more back story on this one. We don't know why Felix is playing along with her. I think there are simple explanations, but I would have liked to have seen them.
    • Felix should have just set her levels lower to begin with. Why didn't he do that? What does Maeve have that she could use against him? Her 'wake and escape' from Episode 2?
    • I love that Maeve is trying to press UP, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right and enter the cheat code.
  • Bernard/Theresa
    • I wish there was more background on them, too. It would have been even more impactful if they showed a stronger relationship between those two. Their scenes together (when they were alone in the dorm) still felt oddly cold between them.
    • It's almost like we needed another episode with just the Maeve + Cat-named Techs and Bernard + Theresa.
    • On the re-watch, you can focus on background stuff. When Theresa and Bernard are walking through the house, there is no door. The camera pans away, then back, and the door is there. That's when Theresa gives her best attempt at a lousy horror movie line "what's behind this door?"
    • Bernard's breakdown felt so much heavier the second time through. It was devastating and tough to watch.
    • Might be fun if Ford makes Theresa a host, then sticks her in the park as punishment. If done right, it would be a great little piece that would show Ford's nasty streak. If done wrong, it would be cheesy.
      • I think it would work best as just a quick glimpse of her in the background. Enough that we'd know it was her, but don't dwell on it.
      • The best places for her might be: a waitress at the restaurant or a chambermaid at the Mariposa.
      • That all said, I think he'll keep her around as Theresa. Mean streak aside, the place he can use her the most is exactly where she was before she died.
    • I wonder if Theresa and Bernard will still hook up lol

I've never done this much thinking about a show before lol. I've rarely ever re-watched TV shows, and all of them have been years later. This show gets immediate re-watches, if possible.
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Watched last night, well daaaaaamn, I think Theresa was being printed in that room, that is why Ford got Bernard to help her as he couldn't just off her and have no one notice. I wonder how many other people Ford has replaced ? Poor Clem a pawn in the games of the higher ups, not sure about Elise alive possibly, replaced possibly ? we shall see. And it is obvious Ford either has the whole place wired or he is able to use the hosts to listen in after his "Blood sacrifice" comment to Theresa.
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Watched last night, well daaaaaamn, I think Theresa was being printed in that room, that is why Ford got Bernard to help her as he couldn't just off her and have no one notice. I wonder how many other people Ford has replaced ? Poor Clem a pawn in the games of the higher ups, not sure about Elise alive possibly, replaced possibly ? we shall see. And it is obvious Ford either has the whole place wired or he is able to use the hosts to listen in after his "Blood sacrifice" comment to Theresa.

Or, like @Cschaaf said, the CEO is a bot. At this point anyone and everyone could be anything. Just look at you saying "poor Clem"- she's a robot. We shouldn't feel empathy for her, but we do (moreso for Maive losing her friend in my case).

@Teebin not sure about Elsie. She finally had an episode or two where she was enjoyable and wasn't somewhat annoying or underused, and then she vanishes. We should find out soon. How nuts would it be if it were MIB and Teddy? We only have 3 episodes left, so I expect things to start ramping up significantly the next two weeks.

I, too, love the discussions. This show is better with friends for sure.
Goodness, you people think far beyond me. It would never have occurred to me that Ford was making a Theresa while...

If Theresa was leaking data... then who would she have worked with to hush it up?

You are correct about wondering who is a biobot and who is not. The guy that punches the hell out of Clem appears a human employee until they are both paused...

I am a bit caught between wondering if this is good story telling or just a truck load of cheap tricks. Anyone want to speak to this?