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What does Jurassic Park need?

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The problem with the Ultrasaur's platform isn't the platform but the fact that the whole lagoon used to be filled with low-lying fog that covered those eyesores.

The condition of the dinosaurs, and their current programming thouhg is so bad that it's *not even* a joke. They're so tuned down that they might as well turn them off.

Trike is still in the works. It's FAR from a dead project.

Could you elaborate on why they felt the need to remove said attraction for so many years, let it sit there and then resurrect it? If it seems like I'm questioning you I'm honestly not. I was more or less curious and I believe Tri Encounter is coming back.
Could you elaborate on why they felt the need to remove said attraction for so many years, let it sit there and then resurrect it? If it seems like I'm questioning you I'm honestly not. I was more or less curious and I believe Tri Encounter is coming back.

Honestly, I can't comment on why it would come back - but it wasn't *entirely* by choice. They had to. I realize that will make this sound much more bizarre, but perhaps someone else can piece it together from the clue.
Honestly, I can't comment on why it would come back - but it wasn't *entirely* by choice. They had to. I realize that will make this sound much more bizarre, but perhaps someone else can piece it together from the clue.

I could make a wild guess. I don't know how accurate it would be and you probably aren't allowed to confirm it anyway.

I find it very frustrating though that an attraction like RA, which is based upon one of Universal's greatest films, is treated so poorly. It's absolutely embarrassing.
But what is going to bring in more people? New rides or the maintenance of an old ride.

Well, obviously new rides are what brings people in but it seems moot knowing that down the road that new ride is going to look like crap. I know there's probably no way around it. It just makes me want to do this => :bang:

But don't discount word of mouth though. I mean, if River Adventure was ran as well it possibly could be with money as no object, don't you think it would attract more riders?
Not sure? I go to IOA many times a year and I usually ride River Adventure. People coming for vacation are going to ride it no matter what quality it is at. I think the only people that would not ride it every time is locals who would probably not ride it every time even at its highest performance.
I think JPRA does need a good refurb. Not just a basic fixer upper. Even though new rides bring interest, keeping up their current rides will keep up a good reputation.
Well, obviously new rides are what brings people in but it seems moot knowing that down the road that new ride is going to look like crap. I know there's probably no way around it. It just makes me want to do this => :bang:

But don't discount word of mouth though. I mean, if River Adventure was ran as well it possibly could be with money as no object, don't you think it would attract more riders?

Best thing you can do is get people to write letters expressing their opinion of its condition.
I think the whole park needs a refurb. Simple as that. If they are going to try and blow people away with Potter than make your parks un-naturally clean and your rides at the whole resort top notch and in full working condition.
Eh. You just need to learn how the biz works. I'm sorry to say things like this don't surprise me anymore. Sigh.:shrug:

It doesn't surprise me either. It's unrealistic for a whole park to get a refurb, especially a park that isn't seasonal. As much as I'd like it, I know it won't happen.
It doesn't surprise me either. It's unrealistic for a whole park to get a refurb, especially a park that isn't seasonal. As much as I'd like it, I know it won't happen.

Not unprecidented. Disneyland - yes - the entire park (which much more in it than three IOAs put together) got a full refurbishment prior to the 50th Anniversary. The place looked better than I'd ever seen it (and it's always been the best park in the world).

But that's Disneyland, and there's no question that there is major significance behind the place that is taken seriously. If it wasn't for Disneyland, there'd be no IOA, really - or any of the themed parks we see today.
Sounds like you guys might not be aware that JP was shut down for a month or so earlier this spring and had lots of improvements made.

The dinos are all freshly painted, and working well. Along with the raptor box - it shakes & falls again. The speakers sounded louder & better. It seems like they tweaked & fixed up every effect on the ride.

That is, when it's all working properly. I went on a few weeks after it re-opened and it was back to it's fabulous glory. I last went on it a month ago and some things weren't working again.

So, is it a price-cutting measure to not do some special effects on less busy days, or do these things just break that often??
Sounds like you guys might not be aware that JP was shut down for a month or so earlier this spring and had lots of improvements made.

We're aware. At least I am.

The dinos are all freshly painted, and working well.

Some were given new skins, yes, but they are not "working well." As described previously, they are on extremely toned down animation profiles. While it sounds commendable on the surface that new skins were given, one must ask ones self how long they were in dire need of receiving them before the refurbishment.

Along with the raptor box - it shakes & falls again.

When it works.

The speakers sounded louder & better.

Entirely your imagination. No audio work was done at all.

It seems like they tweaked & fixed up every effect on the ride.

Again, there is a bit of imagination at play here.

That is, when it's all working properly. I went on a few weeks after it re-opened and it was back to it's fabulous glory. I last went on it a month ago and some things weren't working again.

Not that River Adventure ever really *had* fabulous glory, but no, everything is still toned down as it will stay from now on. No surprise at the Raptor box already going in-op.

So, is it a price-cutting measure to not do some special effects on less busy days, or do these things just break that often??

They do not have versions of the show programmed based on how many people are in park. If normal effects are not running, that simply means they are broken. Again.
Hey, most parks (that aren't in Orlando or California) don't even have themes on their log flumes. It's just up you go and down you go. At least Universal at least put something into it.
All these things makes me think they should just shut the damn ride down. So frustrating.

Because regardless of the state of the animation, the ride eats people better than any other ride in the park, and is an essential for crowd control. Being virtually the only big thing in the back of the park, it's definitely "do-or-die" when it comes to keeping it operational.

Whats even funnier about River Adventure is the amount of budget it gets, and the amount of attention it gets, yet it still is never up to par. Ever wonder why rides like Ripsaw go down for its annual only to come back looking nearly the same as it did two weeks prior? Where do you think its funding gets thrown to? I'll be the first to admit that keeping something running like its brand new 10 years later is quite a feat, but for a ride where animation basically is the experience... accompanied with a big fall at the end, you'd think there would be a little more emphasis placed into the show element...
Hey, most parks (that aren't in Orlando or California) don't even have themes on their log flumes. It's just up you go and down you go. At least Universal at least put something into it.

Sometimes, I wonder if I agree with that sentiment. If you're not going to do it right, DON'T DO IT AT ALL!

I'm looking at YOU, Ripsaw Falls. :wave:

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

Because regardless of the state of the animation, the ride eats people better than any other ride in the park, and is an essential for crowd control. Being virtually the only big thing in the back of the park, it's definitely "do-or-die" when it comes to keeping it operational.

Whats even funnier about River Adventure is the amount of budget it gets, and the amount of attention it gets, yet it still is never up to par. Ever wonder why rides like Ripsaw go down for its annual only to come back looking nearly the same as it did two weeks prior? Where do you think its funding gets thrown to? I'll be the first to admit that keeping something running like its brand new 10 years later is quite a feat, but for a ride where animation basically is the experience... accompanied with a big fall at the end, you'd think there would be a little more emphasis placed into the show element...

The refurbishment comment is simple. Regarding why rides can go down and come back up looking the same- not all refurbishments are for things you can see on the outside. It can be safey systems, control systems, behind the scenes mechanics; as important as the show is, there's much more important things that get tended to on those closures first. It's a good thing really.