What Games Are You Playing? | Inside Universal Forums

What Games Are You Playing?

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I've been too busy working on Orlando United to pick up a controller, but I was playing Mario Galaxy, Bioshock and Assassin's Creed. I just beat Uncharted a few weeks ago.
Ive been playing Kingdom Hearts and Ratchet and Clank when Im not working on the site.

Kingdom Hearts 1 was my ex girlfriends worst nightmare. I locked myself in my room for 2 weeks and wouldn't leave until I beat that game. I tried Kingdom Hearts II but couldn't get into it like I did with the first one.
Kingdom Hearts 1 was my ex girlfriends worst nightmare. I locked myself in my room for 2 weeks and wouldn't leave until I beat that game. I tried Kingdom Hearts II but couldn't get into it like I did with the first one.

Luckily for me, my g/f enjoys the game too.:D
Oh see thats what my problem was. I wasn't about to give her the controller and mess up my game. That game seriously possesed me like Gollum or something.
I am playing Rock Band alot
Some Halo 3 when the friends invite me, and from time to time, Guitar Hero III

The funny part is, is that I have Super Mario Galaxy, and Assassin's Creed both in their plastic from Christmas. I guess with Mid-terms, and semester exams, I never got around to playing them as much as I would like too. Same goes for Mass Effect, and Call of Duty 4....and GUN...and The Orange Box!
are there any games out like command and conquere that rock???

i fell out of games years and years ago...

but i loved that game. i think that was the only computer game i got in to. before computers i would play nintendo and super nintendo. when the whole 3d perspective came out...like halo...i was lost...
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Call of Duty 4 is my game of choice. It's all I really play, but from time to time when friends are over we will pop on WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008, Madden 2008, and Rock Band.

All great games, but Call of Duty 4 takes the cake. It's amazing.
I mostly play NHL 08 (still) and Fight Night 04 becuase I was really bored and then got into it again. Time to time I play Mario Galaxy. I really need a 360
I was tempted to buy Turok today at Best Buy, but then I wouldn't be able to get DMC 4.....so I'm gonna wait.

BTW, what are some of your PSN names? Mine is ralphoutloud of course, add me.
Still stuck without a new system, and my GameCube isn't exactly begging to be played, so most of the time I play games that are anywhere from semiold to just plain ancient by technology standards on my computer. Those games include mostly Guild Wars, the occasional bit of Halo Trial, and the very rare RCT3 ever since I found the game, bunched with some Battle Realms (an RTS from.... wait for it..... 2001)
Just got Devil May Cry. Ive been hearing a lot of people complain that the PS3 version is 10x better than the 360's in regards to graphics and wait times.