Was at Islands of Adventure today. It was insane. These are the times I saw... (I also posted this on WDWMagic.com)
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey - 135 mins
The Incredible Hulk Coaster - 70 mins
The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man - 110 mins
Jurassic Park River Adventure - 45 mins
Dr. Doom's FearFall - 25 mins
The Cat in the Hat - 45 mins
Dragon Challenge - 60 mins
Flight of the Hippogriff - 60 mins
Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls - 5 mins
Popeye & Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges - 5 mins
It was fine the first 2 hours my dad and I first arrived. We walked on the rides in Marvel Super Hero Island and Jurassic Park. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was so crowded all day, you couldn't move. We tried queuing for Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey but the line was the longest line I have ever seen in my entire life. Not only did it start in the middle of Jurassic Park, it teased you by taking you to the entrance of Hogwarts, but instead it looped you around the back of Hogwarts to the backstage of Jurassic Park. After an hour, I wasn't near the entrance of the castle, I was still stuck behind the ride's show building. The ride also kept breaking down and then they closed it. It was a mass exit and we ran through an emergency exit in the middle of Jurassic Park.
Moral of the story: Don't go to any of the Orlando parks on Christmas Eve.