What are you implying, exactly? Everything we post at ParkRumors can easily be found on the internet. We also post source links to exactly where our content comes from. In this case, the Penguin concept art was found on Xiaogang Zhu's blog, just like the article says. We found it by simply searching Google for "Seaworld Orlando 2013" in quotes just like that. His website was the 8th result, and is linked in the article.
We found the vehicle concept on Josh Gierer's Corflot profile while doing research for our Look Back on Cheetah Hunt. His profile can be easily brought up by searching the Coroflot member gallery for either "busch gardens" or "cheetah hunt". We didn't think anything of the vehicle concept when we first found it, but after seeing the new concept and taking a second look at the SFWMD plans, we thought they might be for this project.
Here are links so you can see for yourself:
It doesn't take a rocket scientist run a few simple searches and put some pieces together.