So ... more anecdotal evidence about Disney ...
Grog Grotto mugs were announced Monday as coming out Tuesday. Most leaks say 800 a day this year. First day was the nightmare you'd expect--some AP even got trespassed for threatening CMs because he showed up at 9:10 and couldn't get a wristband for a mug. But Wednesday ... you could still walk up and get a mug as of like 4 pm. Thursday, they were available as late as 7, maybe 8 pm. Despite the facts guests can now buy 2, not just 1, mug. Many potential reasons why, but fairly clear the market for overpriced Haunted Mansion tiki mugs isn't what it was the past few years.
Orange and Seminole County schools out today--the two most densely packed, most well-off counties in the area. Not surprisingly, HHN was a madhouse last night--kids can stay out late. But MNSSHP was actually very reasonable. Not quite an early September crowd, but 20 minute lines on Pan and walk up at 10:16 and still see the fireworks reasonable. It should have been packed with Orlando schoolkids.
We can continue to debate Galaxy's Edge all we want ... but something is up here. It's not just Star Wars.