I really noticed food prices at universal this trip. Seemed like they were higher than last year (maybe I am misremembering?) and the quality was lower.
Except for the shakes at Mel’s. $6 shake, tasted like it was priced right. Those were very good.
Everything, everywhere else in the park, felt wicked expensive. We ate there less and less and became much more choosy, lots of sharing.
As an aside- paper straws? Way to ruin a $8 butterbeer, guys. Sheesh. We just grabbed a bunch of plastic straws first chance we got and brought those in with us. I love that they eliminate plastic straws, but still serve everything in plastic cups. Total lack of pragmatic awareness...While completely ignoring the absolutely gigantic carbon footprint of a theme park.
But hey, let’s get those straws out of there! Changing the world, one ruined beverage at a time!