I sorta see your point but I just don't think it works that way honestly. Im glad a politician isn't "giving it a try" when it can affect human lives because as we've seen here in America, its rare people are chosen over profits. Its a difficult balance but when there is no proof of safety in either scenario, I guess I just don't see the harm in keeping this closed as cases surge literally in almost all 50 states.
Yep, this is my thoughts. Id imagine a large majority of theme park goers are also grocery shopping at the very least so I doubt Universal or Disney are the sole places they are going, making it more difficult to track. Now I haven't done a contact tracing course so I dont know nor do I want to seem like I know how it works but imagine these hypotheticals:
Person A: Goes to Universal/Disney Sept 5-9, arrives home (flying) on Sept 10, on Sept 12-13 they are beginning to develop symptoms, they schedule a test 3 days later on Sept 15/16. Wait until round the 19th/20th for that test result to get back, and its positive. Who knows where else they were since they got home, who they were on a plane with, are any of them sick, etc.
Person B: Goes to Universal/Disney Sept 10-15, arrives home on the 16th while beginning to feel symptoms but do not get a test. Go out and about, 2-3 days alter they struggle breathing and go for their test comes back positive. What happened in those 2-3 days? If they're feeling symptoms on the 16th, was it had BEFORE arriving on property, or while ON property?
Person C: Asymptomatic, never feels sick, arrives home after a week at the parks, goes out and about their lives for a week or more, find out a co-worker or a friend they've seen is sick with Covid. Contact tracing doesn't begin with Person C, it begins with their friend.
Okay I'm getting anxious writing these all up BUT, I think this shows to me how complicated it would be to track from a place like this, people develop symptoms over different periods of times, constant influx of people coming/leaving, its a lot of total unknowns. I think Newsom isn't f'ing with more unknowns right now and that includes to him, opening theme parks.