Okay, bare with me. After listening to the latest OU podcast, I wanted to do some blue sky-ing on this project. For starters, here is the Supercharged building color-coded.
When considering porting this over to USF, it's clear that the musion scene and garage scene (not taking into account story/structure changes) would be the queue, allowing for significantly shrinking the area they take up, as they won't have to be elongated to house the long USH trams. The main "ride" portion would also not need to be nearly as big.
Still, let's assume whatever the dark ride portion is, it's about the same size as the current, main Supercharged building. Then let's assume Beetlejuice and Disaster both get demo'ed for F&F. Putting the Supercharged building on a portion of that gives us the image below. That is on the same scale, too, FWIW.
Now let's assume the old area where Beetlejuice was becomes the queue/preshow areas.
There is still a LOT of open space there. Plenty to be used for an outdoor race portion, IMO.
My blue sky idea: The green Supercharged building is used to make a dark ride segment using sets and feature over the top action. At the end, two cars meet for a "celebration race" which will take place outdoors through sets designed to look like city streets.
Sure, it's basically a copy of RSRs, but I think it's the best possible way to get a great attraction out of this.