Future of Dragon Challenge? | Page 53 | Inside Universal Forums

Future of Dragon Challenge?

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It would also take the bathrooms. Oddly enough, the exterior would look like a JP Research Facility.
Probably because the exterior would likely be JP themed. The entrance I could see being some convoluted way to make it seem as if it's actually inside of the castle.
Having walked through the Great Hall set at Warner Bros London, I honestly feel it's a better walk-through attraction than a place for hundreds of separate tourist groups to eat at. It would ruin the aesthetic to have the long tables split up into smaller sections, and I'm sorry, but it just would be plain awkward and impractical to share them with strangers.
Having walked through the Great Hall set at Warner Bros London, I honestly feel it's a better walk-through attraction than a place for hundreds of separate tourist groups to eat at. It would ruin the aesthetic to have the long tables split up into smaller sections, and I'm sorry, but it just would be plain awkward and impractical to share them with strangers.


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The fiancee and I watched Order of the Phoenix last night. The missing trees at the station are one of the biggest differences between the parks and films. Hopefully this can be rectified when Dragon Challenge glows away.

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Having walked through the Great Hall set at Warner Bros London, I honestly feel it's a better walk-through attraction than a place for hundreds of separate tourist groups to eat at. It would ruin the aesthetic to have the long tables split up into smaller sections, and I'm sorry, but it just would be plain awkward and impractical to share them with strangers.

Germany in Epcot has shared tables and I have been there many times. It is fine. No one ever seems to care and sometimes you meet some interesting people.

For the other person, how do they have too many eating areas? IOA only has one sit down place, right? I would think this would be a sit down place and not a counter service place. Which would be the only sit down HP has.
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Germany in Epcot has shared tables and I have been there many times. It is fine. No one ever seems to care and sometimes you meet some interesting people.

For the other person, how do they have too many eating areas? IOA only has one sit down place, right? I would think this would be a sit down place and not a counter service place. Which would be the only sit down HP has.
Confisco & Mythos are both sit downs...Even though Three Broomsticks isn't technically a sit down, it's kind of a hybrid since they escort & direct you to a table....My issue with IOA dining is that they close most of the restaurants, sit down & quick service, early.
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Germany in Epcot has shared tables and I have been there many times. It is fine. No one ever seems to care and sometimes you meet some interesting people.

And sometimes you'll be sat directly next to overtired, crying, bratty kids who'll flick boogers at you. It's all luck of the draw, but the behaviour of other people whilst I'm eating my food is not something that I'm willing to risk my money on, when they're within drooling distance of me.
Back on the topic of DC... I personally enjoy this ride! Its a thrill coaster which could go for a referb and a shorter queue but i personally enjoy the castle aspect because it helps incorporate other themes from the books and the goblet of fire storyline. Also I do not think it interferes with the HE since its a enclosed train ride and you see minimal of that coaster from the line in the station. I want it to stay because I personally think IOA and USF need a few thrill rides and not all "dark rides" or 3D shows. I got the NEED for SPEED!
Confisco & Mythos are both sit downs...Even though Three Broomsticks isn't technically a sit down, it's kind of a hybrid since they escort & direct you to a table....My issue with IOA dining is that they close most of the restaurants, sit down & quick service, early.

I think I went to Confisco once a long time ago, so totally forgot about that. I agree, keeping the places open later would be nice. Many times I wanted to eat at Mythos, but couldn't because it was too "late" even though it was actually dinner time (between 5 and 6:30).

And sometimes you'll be sat directly next to overtired, crying, bratty kids who'll flick boogers at you. It's all luck of the draw, but the behaviour of other people whilst I'm eating my food is not something that I'm willing to risk my money on, when they're within drooling distance of me.

I get some people would not want multiple families at the same table, but there are many places out there that do this type of seating including in theme parks and it works fine. When I was at Silver Dollar City the one inside counter service place had long tables. Sometimes you ended up sitting at 4 seats in the middle of the table with a family on either side. If you wanted air conditioned counter service lunch, you had to do it. We and many families did this. It was always packed and people were always waiting for seats. Heck, in one case I had someone directly across from me that was not my family member. At our one local place which is counter service it is the same way. Really long tables with chairs. People sit where they can and no one complains. It is good food, so people go there for the food and don't care that they will be sitting next to people. Cruise ships do the same type of seating, very rarely do you get a table to yourself unless you come with a really large group of people.

So I think Universal could make it work and maybe some people don't go because they don't want to eat this way, but the majority of people won't care. They will want the experience.
Back on the topic of DC... I personally enjoy this ride! Its a thrill coaster which could go for a referb and a shorter queue but i personally enjoy the castle aspect because it helps incorporate other themes from the books and the goblet of fire storyline. Also I do not think it interferes with the HE since its a enclosed train ride and you see minimal of that coaster from the line in the station. I want it to stay because I personally think IOA and USF need a few thrill rides and not all "dark rides" or 3D shows. I got the NEED for SPEED!

For me it's not about the merits of the ride itself anymore, it's the dream of having twice as much Hogsmeade/Hogwarts theming.
It is a sad waste of space. It is not a popular ride. It has little to do with Harry Potter. It is poorly themed. It is an eyesore compared to Hogsmeade. It is time for it to go.
Exactly. Especially the waste of 8 acres of prime theme park land. Heck, that's the size of the entire Nintendo land expansion (if they don't end up adding Yoshhi where ET is).
I was looking at Orlando Informer's info for their May meetup and Taylor lists Dragon Challenge as one of the attractions that will be open for it. Interesting........
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I was looking at Orlando Informer's info for their May meetup and Taylor lists Dragon Challenge as one of the attractions that will be open for it. Interesting........
They reserved both sides of WWoHP this time around.

EDIT: Oh wait, I see what you are getting at. Doesn't really guarantee it will be open. It may simply be a lack of communication between departments.
They reserved both sides of WWoHP this time around.

EDIT: Oh wait, I see what you are getting at. Doesn't really guarantee it will be open. It may simply be a lack of communication between departments.

Taylor is pretty hooked in, really does not do the rumor thing but I wonder if he knows something. I don't think he would overlook this if he knew but at the last meet he did drop that Mummy and Transformers were open to ride as well as DA. Last minute with no warning so maybe he will pull something like that if DC is not available. I will see if he will tell next week but I doubt it.
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