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Future Universal Projects and Parks

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I don't want to get too blue sky. Just wanted to put the idea that F4/X-Men could be out with the new theming.

When you say 'new theming' do you mean that the whole area could be transformed to look less comic book-ish and look more like a real NYC?
Nope, but it will cause a certain faction to lose their collective minds...

Wait alright....Now I don't know if I'm saying anything of importance. There has been mention of how it something that hasn't been mentioned on this site before.

Divergent Series.

Similar to hunger games. Liongate. Did really well in box office, and is proving to be a popular IP currently. More movies on the way. but in relation to this post, the society is divided into different "factions" that each contribute to the main society. "Faction before blood". that is the collective minds/ consciousness . So many potential ride ideas.

Again I might be reading WAY to into that message, but it just stood out to me a like a sore thumb. I would love to see this series come into fruition.

Just figured I'd throw this out there
I thought the Marvel contract specified that it had to be the comic book versions of the characters?
I thought the Marvel contract specified that it had to be the comic book versions of the characters?

Sounds like they may be making changes to the contract. Disney may think allowing them to change it to the MCU will be good advertising for the future MCU movies. Or maybe they are allowing UNI to change things as long as they get rid of X-Men and Fantastic 4. Marvel and Fox don't seem to play well with each other. I hope if they do make some kind of deal that Marvel gets the rights back to Namor.
I thought the Marvel contract specified that it had to be the comic book versions of the characters?

Maybe it does, but such a clause has never stood out to me on the times I have read it. Then again, I see something new each time I read it.

If memory serves me correct, the only mention of an aesthetic is a clause (or whatever) that states something to the effect of "The [land] will adhere to the agreed upon visual aesthetic." I'd have to read through it again to make sure. But if that's the case, it's not specific to say it must stay with the same look, especially if both parties agree that the aesthetic should be changed.
A quick perusal and this is all I have seen:

"Whenever Marvel has “reasonable” rights for rejection of approval hereunder, the basic criteria to be used by Marvel may include inconsistency with (i) basic story line, (ii) the powers, (iii) basic personality traits, (iv) physical appearance (including clothing or costume), and/or (v) living habitat or environment relating to such character as portrayed in Marvel’s exploitation of such character in comic books or other products for the particular time period being depicted by MCA."

Remember, at the time, there was no MCU. If UO wants to portray MCU, it is well within its rights.

A quick perusal and this is all I have seen:

"Whenever Marvel has “reasonable” rights for rejection of approval hereunder, the basic criteria to be used by Marvel may include inconsistency with (i) basic story line, (ii) the powers, (iii) basic personality traits, (iv) physical appearance (including clothing or costume), and/or (v) living habitat or environment relating to such character as portrayed in Marvel’s exploitation of such character in comic books or other products for the particular time period being depicted by MCA."

Remember, at the time, there was no MCU. If UO wants to portray MCU, it is well within its rights.


In other words, no pink Spiderman or Blue Hulk...I would imagine with CGI they could get a pretty close to lifelike representation with it still being 'animated' or 'comic book like'...
If MSHI takes on the MCU look and gets a new Avengers attraction in with the deal, I think it would instantly become one of the single most awesome areas of the Resort and a lot of people will be absolutely freaking out.

...myself included!
Side note...this would be a cool coaster tech for Uni to use

Makes sense since the F4/X-Men don't take place in the MCU. I hope if this all happens that they also make a deal similar to the Sony deal so that Namor can appear in the MCU.

Sounds like they may be making changes to the contract. Disney may think allowing them to change it to the MCU will be good advertising for the future MCU movies. Or maybe they are allowing UNI to change things as long as they get rid of X-Men and Fantastic 4. Marvel and Fox don't seem to play well with each other. I hope if they do make some kind of deal that Marvel gets the rights back to Namor.

If memory serves me correct Universal Pictures was actually the studio with the rights to Namor and since they never got a film of the ground those rights have reverted back to Marvel.
If memory serves me correct Universal Pictures was actually the studio with the rights to Namor and since they never got a film of the ground those rights have reverted back to Marvel.

Are you sure. I read earlier today that Marvel had the rights to make the movie but that Universal still held the rights to distribute the movie.
Well, the shock & awe clue of HTF would fit well with a Marvel Expansion. Fans on the Disney sites are always talking about getting Marvel rights back. New Marvel E tickets & upgraded theming would definitely devastate many of them.
Let me make something perfectly clear, I've never said anything in regards to a Marvel Expansion. That's nothing more than a rumor and should be treated as such. I don't want readers confusing fun dreams and imagination with he said she said shenanigans.

On a side note I hope somehow Universal overhauls / expands Marvel just to see the pixie dusters have a complete ****ing meltdown.
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