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Future Universal Projects and Parks

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I think the confusion of how would it be possible for major upgrades is how the Disney/Marvel deal works. People are thinking Iger chooses what Marvel gets to do. Marvel has been successful due to the fact Iger lets them do what they want to do. Marvel is under Disney but also not fully subordinate to Disney.
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I could see Uni and Marvel coming to a deal which would increase stockholder value (big for iger) for both parties. Draft a new deal, same (in perpetuity), Universal gets to use the MCU stuff, removes any fox properties and gets a larger margin than before. Disney can use character on the resort for photos but not create rides or shows. Uni gets a boost, disney will gets a boost since it will attract more people to orlando, the MCU gets its place in Orlando, Marvel gets another up on Fox, Kids can see their favorite characters to take photos with at disney and they maybe can sell merchandise there as well With more sales obviously happening in UNI. You get hopefully 2 new rides (Storm ride + DDFF area and maybe the theatre) and universal makes IOA awesome again (by this time Kong, JP and MSHI additions) and Disney gets a larger cut of the attendance (obviously not TOO much bigger)

See its so simple!

I heard that Universal still has distribution rights to Hulk and Namor. I could see them going back to Marvel. Is it possible Disney and Universal could share ride development costs with Universal building in Orlando and Disney overseas?
I heard that Universal still has distribution rights to Hulk and Namor. I could see them going back to Marvel. Is it possible Disney and Universal could share ride development costs with Universal building in Orlando and Disney overseas?

Hulk has been at Disney for a long time.
I heard that Universal still has distribution rights to Hulk and Namor. I could see them going back to Marvel. Is it possible Disney and Universal could share ride development costs with Universal building in Orlando and Disney overseas?

I had the exact same thought. In addition to the cross-promotion, Disney has the rights to Marvel attractions outside of the eastern half of the US. They could let Universal build the rides and pioneer the technology and then purchase the rights to port the rides to DisneyLand, TDL, DLP and SDL.
I mentioned an Ironman coaster a couple of months ago, and everyone thought I was crazy.

Now this is just me speculating, but what if the coaster is still part of the project, but only part of a much larger project? As in NOT the headliner.
I mentioned an Ironman coaster a couple of months ago, and everyone thought I was crazy.

Now this is just me speculating, but what if the coaster is still part of the project, but only part of a much larger project? As in NOT the headliner.

I have no reason to think differently. Sometimes, we can only get a "glimpse", as you well know.

It merely opens a myriad of possibilities of which I have no knowledge.
Does it though? I'm not disagreeing with you, just asking for the sake of discussion.
The way I understand it, Universal gets its Marvel merchandise from a warehouse that sells the stuff to all kinds of outlets from Universal to CVS. But the only money Universal keeps are the margins of what they mark the stuff up at (since they're dipping into their own wallets to buy it from a vendor). So while Universal gets the benefit of selling a lot of merchandise, they're feeding Disney's bottom line in doing so (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Meanwhile, a different property with closer ties to Universal might be a different story. If they were to negotiate for the rights of a new property, Universal has the opportunity to develop their own merchandise and keep 100% of that money away from Disney's pockets. Granted, it costs more money to get a new IP than to use one they already own, but theme parks know that merchandise is the key to a successful expansion. It's possible that despite the humongous amounts of people a new Marvel attraction would bring in, another property has the potential to be more lucrative just because merchandise is a more sought-after revenue stream than ticket sales.

Me personally, I want a Marvel ride and if Disney can't make one then I want Universal to. I think that it's the easiest of the latest big blockbuster franchise to turn into a great theme park ride. It has way more potential than most of the stuff people talk about on here. If Universal went balls to the wall in creating some new technology to give us an Avengers ride I might never go to any theme park ever again. But I would think they care less about that and more about their bottom line.

Okay, getting into the profit debate, let's look at a little bit of info about the recent Sony/Marvel deal (quoted from this article http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=59199):

"Additionally, Variety spelled out some of the reported financial details of the Sony Pictures/Marvel Studios deal more clearly: Marvel Studios won't pay Sony for the right to put Spider-Man in its films, according to the report, and won't receive a percentage for Sony's Spider-Man films -- just as Sony won't receive money from Spider-Man's appearances in Marvel films. Similarly, it's reported that Feige also won't receive payment for working with Sony on Spider-Man. It's cited as a rare example of two studios collaboration on a deal that's mutually beneficial to both sides

No money changed hands between Sony or Marvel in the deal, THR reports, dubbing it a "quid pro quo" transaction. An anonymous source in the article suggested the fact that Marvel controls Spider-Man's merchandising rights as a motivating factor on both sides -- given Marvel is in a position to make money from higher visibility of the character, and that Sony would not be willing to share Spidey if it was profiting from merchandise"

I heard that Universal still has distribution rights to Hulk and Namor. I could see them going back to Marvel. Is it possible Disney and Universal could share ride development costs with Universal building in Orlando and Disney overseas?

Yes, Universal still owns the distribution rights.

That being said, they seem to be having a better time with having Hulk as a supporting character as his box office returns were never that high for his solo efforts. As always, Feige says it is 'still a possibility'.
Yes, Universal still owns the distribution rights.

That being said, they seem to be having a better time with having Hulk as a supporting character as his box office returns were never that high for his solo efforts. As always, Feige says it is 'still a possibility'.

Universal does not have the distribution rights to Hulk. Hulk is 100% back at Marvel.

The only character Universal has rights to is Namor.
I mentioned an Ironman coaster a couple of months ago, and everyone thought I was crazy.

Now this is just me speculating, but what if the coaster is still part of the project, but only part of a much larger project? As in NOT the headliner.

I remember DH ... launched flyer, really hoping for this, would be great in the theater/midway games area. Really hoping though, that since what you mentioned was indoors, that it would still have an outdoor pretzel loop element.
They do indeed still have the rights to that movie.

I'm not seeing anything concrete on movies after that.

If they still do, it would help to explain why there have not been any Hulk solo movies yet since Marvel is probably waiting out the contract. It seems so odd that there is so little solid information on this topic.
In the film business it's common for different companies to have rights to various parts of the film. Production, distribution, dvd, and warehousing are often divided up. These companies are used to working in conjunction with one another on those various matters because that's the way the film businesses operate. They are more often in partnership type deals than vindictive hostile ones.
UC and WDI will never collaborate on a parks project, and it won't start with Marvel.

Marvel has rights to only veto any changes or additions if the attractions and theming don't match the criteria listed by RJ.

Let's end those questions.
I mentioned an Ironman coaster a couple of months ago, and everyone thought I was crazy.

Now this is just me speculating, but what if the coaster is still part of the project, but only part of a much larger project? As in NOT the headliner.
Then I would walk to IOA First instead of USF every time I pass through city walk.
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