- The facade would be the Circus tent and would have a couple of scenes before exiting out of the tent. (Possibly even having the Brothers out in front with the Ice Cream Truck as the Password maze with them giving you a card)
- Going through the woods with a Klown with a balloon dog scare and then the Crescent Cove sign leading to the town with a Klown Scare. And then seeing the cars with the Cotton Candy inside.
- The Puppet Show scene with a Klown coming out of the Thing and scaring you.
- The Graffiti area with the Knock My Block Off Scene possibly a Scare from people running away or something similar like someone warning you. With the Klown with the Boxing Gloves as a scare.
- A Scare similar to the Train from 2014 AWIL but with a Klown on his Vehicle
- Then the Shadow Puppet Scene with a Projection of the Shadows and then possibly a Klown scare. Or a Actor doing the hand gestures for the Shadows and then a Car comes at you.
- Then the Crescent Cove Police Station with the Klown holding the Police Officer similar to Michael killing the Nurse in 2016 in H2. And you see the victims in the Cages with cotton candy.
- (Possibly the Parade Scene but I don't see it making it in)
- Debbie's House as a Facade where you have the Puppets in the bathroom attacking you and then a Klown Scare where you see Debbie in a Ball. (Have it be like TrT where you go left and enter the house from the side).
- Then the Death by Pies Scene with a Klown Scare and you enter the Carnival Facade.
- The Finale being inside the Tent with Klown Scares from everywhere and then Klownzilla as the end.