- The Facade is the Arcade you enter and it is covered in the Upside Down and you look and see the Mind Flayer outside the door.
- Then you go into a neighborhood Scene with Fences like Halloween 4. Kids are saying "Trick or Treat!" and you get hit by two scares (or 1).
* Side note: What's cool is that they totally could use both Jason and Michael for Stranger Things if they wanted to.

(If not there is a Clown and Guy in a Wolf Costume as well)

- Then the facade for Dustin's House and you enter his room and see that Dart has escaped and ate his dog.
- After that you go through the Woods to the Bus yard where Steve is fighting the Demodogs. Have like possibly a Steve lookalike and 2 Demodogs Puppets for Scares.
- Then you go through the Pumpkin Patch to the Tunnels and possibly have Spores spray air as a Scare (Like when they sprayed Hopper and he almost passed out) possibly have a Hazmat guy/Hopper Lookalike Scare and some Demodog Scares.
- Then it leads to the Laboratory where Chaos has struck and there are Demodog Scares and then you see Bob and possibly have it similar to that one scene from TWD 2015.

(Have Demodogs attacking Bob and have him be a live actor and have like 2 Demodogs that will scare you)

- Then through the Woods to Hopper's Cabin as a facade and you come inside and the TV is playing Frankenstein and you enter the room to see a Possessed Will on the Bed choking a Mannequin of Joyce perhaps and then a Scare actor for Nancy possibly with the Rod that they place in the Fire.
- Then have the Finale be Eleven closing the Portal
* Side Note: I personally think they wouldn't use the Episode 7 scene where 11 and that Gang kidnap and try to kill that one guy. Since Episode 7 isn't really in the Main Storyline but more of a subplot.