Who is that guy? Never heard of him before. Assuming he isn't just messing with us or maybe it's a mix of serious/joke statements, I'll take a crack at it...
1- "Vincent is a very interesting name." Two things popped into my mind here: Van Gogh or Price. Last year we went into the madness of Poe. Maybe this year we can go into Van Gogh's? It would make a very interesting house to walk through painted settings filled with people attacking. Vincent Price speaks for itself of course.
2- "I drink DP and I'm proud." No clue. Googling it comes up with a jingle for Doctor Pepper from the 80s, but nothing else.
3- "Winnebago." Walking Dead, obviously
4- "Sometimes when I'm joking I'm actually quite serious." I know it won't be, but this just screams "JOKER!" to me.
5- "Waterspouts." Again, no clue. I know Saws and Steam was heavily water themed, so it would be interesting to close out that "trilogy" this year with a soundstage house
6- "The 19th Century." Another stab in the dark, but first thing I think of when I hear 19th Century is the Civil War. Would be an interesting setting for a house.
7- "Twins" This seems like a joke response, but who knows. Maybe the icons? Maybe nothing.