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Halloween Horror Nights 24 Discussion

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HHN fans are getting brutal. We used to wait until preview night before declaring that year's event a failure.

Well it's obviously not a failure but when your first announcement is something we all dreaded getting the biggest house in HHN history, it's almost impossible to get hyped
Well it's obviously not a failure but when your first announcement is something we all dreaded getting the biggest house in HHN history, it's almost impossible to get hyped

They could announce Cold Blind Terror II: Colder & Blinder, and if it's the biggest house in history, they'd still have my interest.

To say nothing of Halloween, AvP, FDtD, what sounds like a spiritual successor to Seven...
They could announce Cold Blind Terror II: Colder & Blinder, and if it's the biggest house in history, they'd still have my interest.

To say nothing of Halloween, AvP, FDtD, what sounds like a spiritual successor to Seven...

I'm overall iffy with this year because the announcements have generated no hype for me. Not so say I'm not excited for the event far from it. all the scarezones, halloween and the original houses sound fantastic but there are just a ton of uninteresting Ip's for me. The only reason I want to see AVP is for the puppets alone, we can all agree the movies are guilty pleasures at best. I just don't know man, maybe it's the announcements or the time they put them out but i'm just not as pumped for this year as I was years prior
HHN fans are getting brutal. We used to wait until preview night before declaring that year's event a failure.

I'm overall iffy with this year because the announcements have generated no hype for me. Not so say I'm not excited for the event far from it. all the scarezones, halloween and the original houses sound fantastic but there are just a ton of uninteresting Ip's for me. The only reason I want to see AVP is for the puppets alone, we can all agree the movies are guilty pleasures at best. I just don't know man, maybe it's the announcements or the time they put them out but i'm just not as pumped for this year as I was years prior

I have been going since 2009 and here are my general thoughts:

TWD: Eh, I have heard this season has some interesting stuff so even though I do not watch the show anymore, I am intrigued. The mega house concept is also interesting. Consider me interested.

FDTD: I have yet to see the show, but I love the movie. I have to imagine it is going to be mostly in the vein of the movie they are just using the show to build up more publicity for it. Therefore, excited.

Halloween: Excited, that is all.

AvP: The sets should be good, the puppets are hopefully great, and seeing a full on Predator sounds amazing. Excited.

Dracula Untold: If it looks anything like the Dracula house from 2009, I will enjoy this. Interested.

Croatoa: Excited, that is all.

Clown Factory: I am curious as to how this one is going to look. Interested.

Doll House: Excited, that is all.

As far as scarezones go, they all seem pretty decent so I am interested.

This year my trio is adding a fourth person who has never been so I am very excited to see them take their virgin run through HHN.
They could announce Cold Blind Terror II: Colder & Blinder, and if it's the biggest house in history, they'd still have my interest.

To say nothing of Halloween, AvP, FDtD, what sounds like a spiritual successor to Seven...

Many fans have not been remotely impressed since 2011, with the exception of Gothic, Dead End, and An American Werewolf in London (I'd add Evil Dead to that list, but that's just me).

2014 looks to be more of the same of 2012 and 2013. Thus, we aren't impressed or excited. Simple as that.
Many fans have not been remotely impressed since 2011, with the exception of Gothic, Dead End, and An American Werewolf in London (I'd add Evil Dead to that list, but that's just me).

2014 looks to be more of the same of 2012 and 2013. Thus, we aren't impressed or excited. Simple as that.

Wasn't Cabin in the Woods one of the big hits of last year, too?
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Many fans have not been remotely impressed since 2011, with the exception of Gothic, Dead End, and An American Werewolf in London (I'd add Evil Dead to that list, but that's just me).

2014 looks to be more of the same of 2012 and 2013. Thus, we aren't impressed or excited. Simple as that.

Agreed, IMO if it wasn't for the puppets AWIL wouldn't even be mentioned, and for me CITW > ED.
FDTD: I have yet to see the show, but I love the movie. I have to imagine it is going to be mostly in the vein of the movie they are just using the show to build up more publicity for it. Therefore, excited.

Not exactly true, I've seen the whole first season and there is a lot more to work with than the movie for a maze. The twister itself, the grinder, the altar room, the labyrinth, supply room etc. Even different forms of the culebras. The movie just all took place in the main twister room.
Not exactly true, I've seen the whole first season and there is a lot more to work with than the movie for a maze. The twister itself, the grinder, the altar room, the labyrinth, supply room etc. Even different forms of the culebras. The movie just all took place in the main twister room.

I understand that, but I have heard a good portion of the show is how the different characters got to the Titty Twister, which they probably will not represent in this new maze. I should have specified that as more of what I meant.
Many fans have not been remotely impressed since 2011, with the exception of Gothic, Dead End, and An American Werewolf in London (I'd add Evil Dead to that list, but that's just me).

Then many fans are wearing rose-colored glasses. Take the worst three houses of the the past 3 years--I guarantee I can name a dozen worse from the years prior. Everyone remembers (or has read about) Body Collectors and Scary Tales; no one seems to remember the years for every one of those we got two or three like Run, or Blood Ruins, or Fear Factor, or People Under the Stairs ...

(OK, I actually have a soft spot for that last one. And I'm with you on Evil Dead, thought it was #2 house of the year, a solid classic.)
Then many fans are wearing rose-colored glasses. Take the worst three houses of the the past 3 years--I guarantee I can name a dozen worse from the years prior. Everyone remembers (or has read about) Body Collectors and Scary Tales; no one seems to remember the years for every one of those we got two or three like Run, or Blood Ruins, or Fear Factor, or People Under the Stairs ...

(OK, I actually have a soft spot for that last one. And I'm with you on Evil Dead, thought it was #2 house of the year, a solid classic.)

Run was one of the best houses they ever did and People Under the Stairs was quite fun. I've been going every year since 99 (usually with a FFP), and I feel every year is going to have some great houses with some not so great houses. Depending on how they adapt those houses throughout the event is what makes the great houses really stand out.

Spawning was one of my least favorite houses in the beginning that year but turned around and become a very strong house by the end, meanwhile you have houses like La Llorna had everything it needed to be a great house but IMHO never got to the level it could have been.
Then many fans are wearing rose-colored glasses. Take the worst three houses of the the past 3 years--I guarantee I can name a dozen worse from the years prior. Everyone remembers (or has read about) Body Collectors and Scary Tales; no one seems to remember the years for every one of those we got two or three like Run, or Blood Ruins, or Fear Factor, or People Under the Stairs ...

(OK, I actually have a soft spot for that last one. And I'm with you on Evil Dead, thought it was #2 house of the year, a solid classic.)

That's because most of the people complaining were only 0-8 years old when those houses were made, so they only know from about 2008 to current.

I actually haven't enjoyed it since 2005, and Fear Factor absolutely has to be the worst house I've ever been through.
I say this multiple times every year, but I've been hearing "This is the worst year ever." Since 2007 and I've heard it so many times it's lost almost all meaning. I'm sure if I was following the event in 2006 I would have heard it then. "HHN at Universal Studios again. What a terrible idea. Worst year ever." and that would probably be stated in May.

The only thing I really miss, and I say this every year since 2009, is intricate websites with story lines. I understand that you want a functional website, but you can have both.
Then many fans are wearing rose-colored glasses. Take the worst three houses of the the past 3 years--I guarantee I can name a dozen worse from the years prior. Everyone remembers (or has read about) Body Collectors and Scary Tales; no one seems to remember the years for every one of those we got two or three like Run, or Blood Ruins, or Fear Factor, or People Under the Stairs ...

(OK, I actually have a soft spot for that last one. And I'm with you on Evil Dead, thought it was #2 house of the year, a solid classic.)

All you have to do is look no further back than the great line up they had for 21, last two years have been a steady decline in quality, sets, costumes, actors, and streets.
I say this multiple times every year, but I've been hearing "This is the worst year ever." Since 2007 and I've heard it so many times it's lost almost all meaning. I'm sure if I was following the event in 2006 I would have heard it then. "HHN at Universal Studios again. What a terrible idea. Worst year ever." and that would probably be stated in May.

The only thing I really miss, and I say this every year since 2009, is intricate websites with story lines. I understand that you want a functional website, but you can have both.

I miss the websites too...unfortunately it is budget that could go elsewhere
I miss the websites too...unfortunately it is budget that could go elsewhere

From what I heard that's exactly what it is too. They are given an insanely low budget to work with and most of them do a lot of the webpage in their spare time because they love it so much. I believe the legendary truth RFID games were built to increase the traffic to the page.
I say this multiple times every year, but I've been hearing "This is the worst year ever." Since 2007 and I've heard it so many times it's lost almost all meaning. I'm sure if I was following the event in 2006 I would have heard it then. "HHN at Universal Studios again. What a terrible idea. Worst year ever." and that would probably be stated in May.

The only thing I really miss, and I say this every year since 2009, is intricate websites with story lines. I understand that you want a functional website, but you can have both.

I go to have fun. That's it. End of story.

Has the event "declined" a bit over the past 2 years? Yes and no. 22 wasn't great but I still enjoyed myself. I guess it really depends what you want out of the event.

Color me in as someone looking for a good time, friends, a few drinks and some scares. Simple as that.
I go to have fun. That's it. End of story.

Has the event "declined" a bit over the past 2 years? Yes and no. 22 wasn't great but I still enjoyed myself. I guess it really depends what you want out of the event.

Color me in as someone looking for a good time, friends, a few drinks and some scares. Simple as that.

That's what the event is about to me. The event was definitely scarier at one point, but I love hanging out with my friends and drinking, having a good time.

I miss the websites too...unfortunately it is budget that could go elsewhere

Eh, the guy who does it is salaried now. I know that money is now kind of ear marked towards Legendary Truth now, but there was time when we had both and the budget was smaller.