I would love to see the walking dead (I don't capitalize it because I don't consider it important enough) just be a scarezone and try to make the transition from zombies slowly dissipate from HHN. I mean the first year was cool, second year was alright, third year I am sick of it. If it comes back for a 4th year, I will refuse to go into the house no matter what gimmick they use to make it "new". One person not going into a HHN house doesn't matter. But I am honestly sick and tired of it. I was a fan of the series until the end of season two.
When the walking dead leaves, they better take a 5 years hiatus from anything remotely zombie related because this whole thing has left a bad taste in my mouth.
xD sorry, anyone who knows me from HNN knows I have strong feelings of disdain towards this franchise as a whole.
Back on topic
The only thing at the moment that is certain is that Jack will be back which I feel eh about. He is so overdone. I know he's popular and everyone loves him as an Icon, but they should move on and create a new Icon with a proper backstory like all the older Icons had. Lady Luck was the only Icon I have personally experienced and she was meh story wise. (my first year of HHN was 2011)