The Icon issue is that, the GP only really cares about Jack, the other Icons never took hold the way he did. Having him at the event does not mean we will automatically be getting a backstory or have everything connected, it just means we have a psycho clown present and the GP will be happy.
Look at the progression of 2008-2012: 2008 had an icon very much tied into the event but it her backstory and house were too overly complex for those not paying attention, 2009 had an icon very much tied into the event whose backstory was simple to grasp and had an IP dominated Icon house, 2010 returned to overly complex Icon backstories (that never ended up being resolved) and moved the Icons to the streets, 2011 kept the Icon in the streets and had such a paper thin backstory it did not really even matter, and 2012 dumped Icons entirely.
I am hoping they prove my cynicism wrong, but Jack's own backstory contradicts itself so building an event with a backstory around him does not scream of cohesion to me. Now if they had announced The Director, The Caretaker, or The Usher I would be singing a very different tune.