About what I am reading of how GhostBusters is not a good property and it won't be scary. But, what if they made the house similar to Gothic? or even Dead End?
Ghostbusters doesn't need to be gory, doesn't need to have any blood or anything like that. Technically You could combine Gothic and Dead End and add GB stuff and the house would be pretty much perfect. Obviously the costumes would be different but they could have the same type of scares. The book room would work for GB, the flying gargoyle, the actor in stilts, Pepper's ghost effect, the ghost going up the stairs...
(let's not forget the effects they used for the Legendary house...)
Seems like GB would be a perfect fit for HHN when you think about it. GB might not be a horror movie or have gore, but how is that a problem?
as far as ghosts go they have more than enough to use for the house. Specially if they use ghosts from the second movie
(Imagine the floating electric chair ghosts being used for the house, the Scoleri Brothers, how awesome that would be?)
there are so many ghosts they could use, besides of how cool the final room would be, the use of animatronics again, I don't see why this house wouldn't be one of the best ever made. Dead End certainly was an amazing house