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Halloween Horror Nights 25 Discussion

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@Next Big Thing , thanks for clarifying! I know I am being somewhat selfish in wanting a discount that allows me four consecutive nights during the slower time that allows my family to have a nice vacation we all enjoy so I love that the offer the RoF at such a great price point and it allows UNI to get more money from me than they would otherwise.

This year they actually have decent merchandise taboot. The new store this year is very well done and has props from prior year's houses on display as well as stuff my family wants me to buy...staying offer night, I am sure I will do some drinking this week as well.

Anyway, based on one night thus far (due to a surprise trip after a rainy week at home), this year is a great event, we only passed through the zones, haven't seen any shows yet, so we still look forward to taking it all this week!
the problem is not even skipping it. The problem I would have as a newbie would be knowing what houses to do first, What to leave for last, and if I ran out of time what houses are a Must see.
Last year a group of friends went and they waited an hour for Dracula... (ouch) and because of doing Dracula they couldn't do AVP Or Halloween lol. They missed two of the best houses of last year but they did Dracula, Roanoke and Giggles and gore, Doll house

I didn't know they were going or else I would have told them to absolutely do Halloween. I really don't know how their night went, or if they took a long time eating or what, but I couldn't imagine being able to only go one night and wasting that night on Roanoke and Dracula :ack:

These are your opinions. What if they went thru Roanoke or Dracula and hit EVERY scare. EVERY Actor targeted them? And since being "newbies," they have nothing to base this on and they had a BLAST.

Don't try and force your likes on others - that's not how this event works. Read guest surveys - where literally every house gets reaps of praise.

Like I said, the event is entirely subjective. They could've had a blast. They don't need your pity.

If Halloween didn't have Michael and Iconic Sounds it would've been the most generic, run of the mill POS my mother could have put up - but please, by all means - sing its praises.
Well going back to creating badass original Icons would be a great first step once TWD has run it's course at HHN.

Can someone explain the massive obsession some seem to have for icons?

Jack is over-played (way worse than Walking Dead [and hardly original]).

Eddie is dead.
Caretaker is my favorite and probably the most original.
The Director was a way of getting familiar faces into the event.
The Storyteller? Oh joy.
Even Terra Queen? Wtf. She didn't speak. Only communicated thru Eelmouth (again, wtf.) I will say, however, her henchmen were HOT and her Sacrifice show only picked frat boys.
Bloody Mary? Ok. Whatever.
Fear? Neato.
Lady Luck? Oh yeah. What a success.
The Usher? Another way of getting familiar movie faces into the event.

Realistically? The track record for icon success versus failure is pretty even.

I just don't get it....? And I've been attending for 15 years. My favorite year 2004 had zero icon. Hell, it had terrible marketing too. What's your Breaking Point?

Direct all that money that would be put into these efforts into the houses. I think that's what happened on '04 and is what made it such a pure joy.

I think people let their nostalgia cloud reality.
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Well going back to creating badass original Icons would be a great first step once TWD has run it's course at HHN.

I think after this year, Creative knows they can have an "original" event but still utilize IP's. Part of me thinks that if the success (which is likely) continues of Jack, he may come back. I think using the old rumor of Eddie vs Jack would be ideal for next year, if they were to use him again.
Can someone explain the massive wide-on some seem to have for icons?

I think it's a new thing, just because of the past 3 years of Walking Dead. I mean, sure, everyone does like the Icons, but I think the heavy thirst for them is recent. Success or not, the icons are an original creation, so I think the use of something original is what gets the fans excited.
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I think it's a new thing, just because of the past 3 years of Walking Dead. I mean, sure, everyone does like the Icons, but I think the heavy thirst for them is recent. Success or not, Icons is an original creation so I think the use of something original is what gets the fans excited.
But how original are they...? No insult to creative or A&D. I love them dearly.

3 years of Walking Dead is nothing compared to 15+ years of Jack.....

I think trying to mix IP's with an Icon stifles creativity anyways (hence why someone like the Usher gets created). It's hard to be cohesive and make an all-encompassing arch when having to make sure certain, completely unrelated things much fit under said arch.
I think after this year, Creative knows they can have an "original" event but still utilize IP's. Part of me thinks that if the success (which is likely) continues of Jack, he may come back. I think using the old rumor of Eddie vs Jack would be ideal for next year, if they were to use him again.
I think Jack is the only "Great" icon they've made. However I agree with a Jack v. Eddie idea and people seem to love Jack this year so far and Carnage is insane... it's the type of show that HHN deserves year in and year out.

At the same time that I want more Jack, I don't want him to be used every year, because then it just becomes a regular thing. The mystery and the hype would fade. TWD is actually a great example of that.
But how original are they...? No insult to creative or A&D. I love them dearly.

3 years of Walking Dead is nothing compared to 15+ years of Jack.....

I think trying to mix IP's with an Icon stifles creativity anyways (hence why someone like the Usher gets created). It's hard to be cohesive and make an all-encompassing arch when having to make sure certain, completely unrelated things much fit under said arch.
You can't say it's been 15 years of Jack as there has been many years he hasn't been involved at all.

Plus, Jack actually fits the event, unlike TWD. He's a likable maniac.
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You can't say it's been 15 years of Jack as there has been many years he hasn't been involved at all.

Plus, Jack actually fits the event, unlike TWD. He's a likable maniac.

The biggest horror property at the moment doesn't fit an event held at a place where folks are told they can Ride the Movies and step into their favorite films/tv shows....?

Many years he hasn't been involved?? Since his inception jack has been involved in X, XI, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XX, and now XXV. 8/15 years. It's a lot. One could even argue Funhouse of Fear was Jack.
But how original are they...? No insult to creative or A&D. I love them dearly.

3 years of Walking Dead is nothing compared to 15+ years of Jack.....

I think trying to mix IP's with an Icon stifles creativity anyways (hence why someone like the Usher gets created). It's hard to be cohesive and make an all-encompassing arch when having to make sure certain, completely unrelated things much fit under said arch.

After HHN XX, I was happy they were "retiring" them all, but I always knew when the 25th came around, they would be coming back - which is understandable. At least there was some time between the use, but I agree - it wouldn't hurt to create an original icon next year. All of them had their spotlight.

I think Jack is the only "Great" icon they've made. However I agree with a Jack v. Eddie idea and people seem to love Jack this year so far and Carnage is insane... it's the type of show that HHN deserves year in and year out.

At the same time that I want more Jack, I don't want him to be used every year, because then it just becomes a regular thing. The mystery and the hype would fade. TWD is actually a great example of that.

That's my only worry, that they go back to overusing Jack. The Caretaker was great, but he's been used a lot too.
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The biggest horror property at the moment doesn't fit an event held at a place where folks are told they can Ride the Movies and step into their favorite films/tv shows....?

Many years he hasn't been involved?? Since his inception jack has been involved in X, XI, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XX, and now XXV. 8/15 years. It's a lot. One could even argue Funhouse of Fear was Jack.
It's a drama more so than a horror property and the only thing usable in the houses from the show are select scenes and the Walkers, which aren't even scary.... which is why the houses have all been mediocre to bad.
After HHN XX, I was happy they were "retiring" them all, but I always knew when the 25th came around, they would be coming back - which is understandable. At least there was some time between the use, but I agree - it wouldn't hurt to create an original icon next year. All of them had their spotlight.

That's my only worry, that they go back to overusing Jack. The Caretaker was great, but he's been used a lot too.
I understand the reliance upon jack. They listen to diehards. Diehards want an overarching theme or everything to "tie" together (I could care less, myself. They did that in 2005 and I thought it was bunk.) the easiest way to do that is with a character like jack. A Ringmaster.

There's no logic or reasoning or sense in having someone like the Caretaker headline these things because there's no answer to "why?" Btw - the reason people want an answer to that question at a horror event always baffles me. I wish we had an Eastern mentality when it comes to horror. The suspension of belief.

That being said I am shocked The Director never came back. He makes some semblance.
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One thing I haven't seen yet but..it could be fascinating if they focus on something of a general theme and have a Icon take over. Much like if you will; This years on the psychos of HHN (Run, FVJ, BC/Shadybrook, Purgers, TWD, Ultra-Violent Comics A.K.A. Asylum in Wonderland, E.T.C). I could totally see the next few years going on certain styles of HHN that have their flairs in the main theme of the event but that's just me.
I'll agree jack is overused but it's only because he's such an awesome character that you could fit in tons of situations. I think it's time to move away from that though and start with new icons next year as a new era because they obviously worked this year. I love icons because they add a face and a theme to the event. What do you think of when you think 21? Roulette wheels, even though Lady Suck was barely used, it created that theme and made the year more memorable because of it. That and when they're used correctly (like this year) icons are a blast. Seeing them on commercials, billboards and then a show/house dedicated to them in the park. I think that's the formula they should stick to if they decide to do icons in the future
the big question always is... what will Universal do when they can't use Walking Dead anymore?

No question being able to use the biggest genre TV show arguably ever has been huge. But the large crowds there last weekend were not there for TWD. Universal has its own base now, thanks in no small part to Potter, who made it "cool" for all the Disney lifestylers to go there and get an AP. When people call WWoHP a "game-changer," it's because of things like this--in no small way, Potter made record crowds at HHN possible.