Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 13 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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It is by the Rockit gate and I don't know much about TNA but last week this hangar door was open and they had carpenters working with what looked like sheets of plywood.
I'm wondering if they are just working on TNA. They often build flats over there. It's very possible it's TNA as well though. Hmm.. If I could remember which SS TNA was in that'd help quite a bit but I honestly can't. We shall play the waiting game then. It is getting close to summer so it's very possible it is house construction as well.
More than anything they really need to bring back the Arrival show this year, it was lacking this past year when it comes to shows with not having the magic show or anything on the main stage.

Universal needs to partner with Rick Thomas again and come up with some new illusions for a stage show.

YES! I absolutly love Arrival show's, i think they wrap the event together very very well. I am convinced that it being 20, a BIG year (hopefully) that we will get a show. Better yet i hope its good.
Well lets see what happens, I just hope they DONT bring back the Robosaurus, waste of time in my opinion.
Is it too crazy of me to be daydreaming about the idea of a two-park event this year? That would be epic and with the 20th anniversary of the event it would be sort of fitting to have a 2-park event and go GRAND :)
^It has been announced as a one park event this year.

As far as for the future, I doubt they will bring it back to IOA due to 1. They can't use Seuss cause of contracts 2. WWOHP probably have the same stipulation as well, so that is two completely dead areas.
3rd problem crowds are to large for IOA the bottlenecks over in Jurassic and Toon are were a Nightmare. 2 parks would also be a Nightmare to even go on 1 night and attempt to do all the Houses with out an express pass.
It's fine at Studios I never understood why IoA is always tried to be dragged into the HHN discussion. It wasn't designed with the event in mind and studios has more room for houses, which is the point of HHN.
Its hard to understand how good IOA HHN's were unless you have experienced one. I loved it, i thought the enviroment was so much more compact therefore scarier. Well, it had its time just like everything else.
Its hard to understand how good IOA HHN's were unless you have experienced one. I loved it, i thought the enviroment was so much more compact therefore scarier. Well, it had its time just like everything else.

While I do prefer the event to be at the Studios, I will say the atmosphere the first year at IOA was very good. I always loved walking through JP during HHN.
It's fine at Studios I never understood why IoA is always tried to be dragged into the HHN discussion. It wasn't designed with the event in mind and studios has more room for houses, which is the point of HHN.

I was just thinking about it because I was imagining a really huge event, since they're reaching a big milestone at their 20th anniversary... and because I never got to experience an IoA's HHN and I want to :)
While I do prefer the event to be at the Studios, I will say the atmosphere the first year at IOA was very good. I always loved walking through JP during HHN.

My most memorable time at all HHNs 11-19, has been walking through the entrance of JP during 15. Something about that moment was incredible.
You know the number one reason I'd liked to see HHN come back to IOA one day? I just want to see the reactions of the Potter fans to what UO did to their land....if they can even change it. :p
I think you guys shouldn't assume that Jo Rowling or WB would be opposed to having the WWoHP be part of HHN. WB is all about the money, and if they can reap even the smallest monetary benefit from it, they wouldn't even think about it. Harry Potter is a franchise! And then regarding Jo Rowling... Harry Potter books aren't exactly like Dr. Seuss books... Jo Rowling is more than ok with dark themes and evil and creepy things being part of Harry's world. Dementors, Acromantulas, Basilisks, Dragons, Werewolves, BOGGARTS! There could be an entire house with a boggart theme! All your worst fears! I mean, I really don't see where you guys are coming from thinking Harry Potter cannot be part of HHN or take part in anything horror/halloween-y :shrug:
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^Yes as JKR is into dark thems and scary stuff, it wouldn't be at the expense of her property. HHN with dementors and Voldemort doesn't have the same oomph as crazy rednecks killing people for meat, see what I mean.
I never see HP being part of the HHN world due to so many kids like the HP franshise.. So your going to take your 8yr old kid whose read all of the HP books/seen the movies to an event where there is blood and scary stuff everywhere? I dont think so...

I see HP used as a kid friendly event at IOA, this kid friendly event has been rumor for yrs to happen.. I dont see it starting this yr BUT maybe next yr.
^Yes as JKR is into dark thems and scary stuff, it wouldn't be at the expense of her property. HHN with dementors and Voldemort doesn't have the same oomph as crazy rednecks killing people for meat, see what I mean.

I see what you mean, but not everything in HHN is rednecks and gore. There's other ways to scare and disturb people. I'm not such a HHN buff, but I'm sure not all houses and scarezones are like that. Not many come to mind, but let's see... Cirque du Freak, Wolfman, and sorry I'm drawing a blank, but maybe others can back me up? :p

I never see HP being part of the HHN world due to so many kids like the HP franshise.. So your going to take your 8yr old kid whose read all of the HP books/seen the movies to an event where there is blood and scary stuff everywhere? I dont think so...

I see HP used as a kid friendly event at IOA, this kid friendly event has been rumor for yrs to happen.. I dont see it starting this yr BUT maybe next yr.

I'm pretty certain that the majority of HP fans are in their teens and older. Also, there's warnings about content on everything related to HHN (website, posters, tickets, everywhere...) so if hypothetically we'd have an event featuring the WWoHP in any part, people will be well warned about the content of the event and they know they are purchasing a separate admission to an event called Halloween HORROR Nights, so they'd not expect a normal, magical and wonderous WWoHP, but the dark version of it. Then the kid event is also a possibility, like you say, but who knows? I'll be holding out for whatever could happen involving the WWoHP in an after-hour event :)

I see your points of view, and I understand where you guys are coming from, but I still think there's no reason to exclude IoA and the WWoHP from being part of a future HHN unless we hear that WB or Jo Rowling are against it. Until then, I'll remain hopeful (even if the chances of it happening are slim). I'm a big, stubborn HP fan :p
I see what you mean, but not everything in HHN is rednecks and gore. There's other ways to scare and disturb people. I'm not such a HHN buff, but I'm sure not all houses and scarezones are like that. Not many come to mind, but let's see... Cirque du Freak, Wolfman, and sorry I'm drawing a blank, but maybe others can back me up? :p.

Wolfman is ALL gore, Frankenstein is a good example of non-gore scares, and Dead Silence as well, and Psycho Scareapy as well. But these are all adult themes, movies that are rated R due to the nature of the scare.

As far as HP, it appeals to ALL age groups, true the first wave of readers are now in the teens and early adult age, but these movies and stories appeal across the board
I guess I had a bad run on Wolfman. I don't remember any gore... All I remember was the nice scenery. I think my group only got one "jump" in the whole house with one of the wolfmen. Maybe we went during a cast change or we just had bad timing, but at leats the 3 people in front of us and the 3 people behind us got no scares. It was pretty sad but funny; the guy in front of us started going: "Woah! A vine! Aghh!!! A chair!!! OMG!!! It's a CURTAIN!!!! Run!!" :-( :p
I thought you meant the movie which was pure gore, the house was pure crap to me too, I didn't get any jumps at all, that opening scene in the forest could have been done MUCH better.