Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 15 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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Remember though they sell that HHN ticket that gives you 3 hours at IOA before the event and then you enter in between the parks to HHN. I would think this will be a huge marketing push this year. Get guests down there early, see Potter town, eat at citywalk or in IOA, then head into HHN. With our passes expired that's about the only way I'm seeing HP this year, so I hope they do it!
Snowman You let your passes expires or did you bet it all on Tebow not be drafted in the first round? LOL................. Once June 18th passes we should start seeing some HHN news. Unlike last year were we spend a whole summer waiting for HRRR to open and HHN advertising got blasted by HOS. I am sure we will see the HHN hype machine start earlier this year. I did talk to Scott Swenson (creative at HOS) a few weeks ago and they were getting ready to shot there commercials for there event.
Gonzo please ask a lot of questions and learn what you can. A first trip to HHN for the unprepared can turn into a bad night in a hurry...I mean missing houses, shows and not be prepared for the lines and such that go with the experience.
Gonzo please ask a lot of questions and learn what you can. A first trip to HHN for the unprepared can turn into a bad night in a hurry...I mean missing houses, shows and not be prepared for the lines and such that go with the experience.

I can attest to that. I went for the first time in '04 without any idea of what HHN was --- and I swore I would never go back. (and I didn't until 2008.......but now I wouldn't miss it for the world).

Being prepared makes all the difference. When I went in '04, it took me the first couple of hours to get the grasp of what was going on and even the fact that there WERE houses to get in line for. By the time I figured it all out, I was lost in the crazy crowds and the night was over. Wasted my money.
I always have a exact plan of what im doing and when im doing it the first night i go up just to make sure i hit everything. After the first night its just going to my favorite houses again/enjoying the event for all it can give. I definatly recommend having a plan if its a first timer.
The most important thing, the thing that could trump any and ALL planning.

If you have the $$$$$ buy the express, it'll make your night SOOOOOOO much easier, versus trying to rush to everything early to make sure there isn't a line.
From HHNRumors:
Today the Orange County Comptroller has blessed us with a permit for HHN construction. Fake Productions will yet again be constructing the houses. Not much more is known yet, but I imagine the actual permits will pop up any day now. If you'd like to view the permit yourself click the source link below.

Also, the permit was signed on the 18th but released online on the 19th. :p


It's finally almost that time of the year! :happy:

Joy, I love it, I go from WWOHP speculation to HHN speculation, always on our toes.

Joy, I love it, I go from WWOHP speculation to HHN speculation, always on our toes.

WWoHP speculation is almost over :-( but that means that the WWoHP will be open :-D
Pretty soon we'll only have HHN20, Busch Gardens' Project 2011, and the Fantasyland Expansion to speculate on.

Can't wait for further permits and more info coming out! :happy:
Very true, and ths is going to be a great year for HHN, hopefully.

Granted, without Roddy the event might feel like its missing something because without him the first time the event took a small nose dive until he came back. I hope it doesn't happen again.
well, Maybe it is time for HHN to shake it up with some personnel changes. New blood is a good thing. The last few years have not been much off the formula.

That's actually a real good point, its time for the event to go in another direction. While the event has always been great its been sort of repetitive in some aspects the last few years. On a side note I would really like to see the Thing in a director/usher type house.
That's actually a real good point, its time for the event to go in another direction. While the event has always been great its been sort of repetitive in some aspects the last few years. On a side note I would really like to see the Thing in a director/usher type house.

Actually it was a part of Silver Screams this past year which was the Ushers' house.
Well The Thing in Silver Screams House IMO was really not Like the THING house of HHN 18 or what ever year they all start running together. I have done HHN for 13 years and the last few IMO seem like recycles more and more. I was not a fan of 15 overall but it was at least them taking a chance. 16-20 you can put in a bag and shake up and they seem the same.
^True, but the problem is that UOC and UO Marketing but heads, one wants to do something new and creative, the other wants do something it can sell to the masses to bring the crowds in.

Jack brings in the crowds, period.

Bloody Mary was a fully original idea year with the back story and everything, so that one was not cookie cutter even though it did bring back a couple of houses.

Carnival of Carnage even though had Jack, was a completely original idea.

But every year is a new facade covering the same thing. UO needs a new type of scare, a new idea, or just bring in the extreme house idea they wanted to do years ago.