Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 73 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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Eddie with cattle prods?

:pound: That was a good one

Well it has to do with Zombies as one of the rooms is coded as Zombiecycles, and another as Assault Vehicle, plus the facade looks like a warehouse looking entrance, so its really confusing, which means it may be good :lol:
Well at first we thought it could be a police station, but when he saw the facade that was thrown out the window, not to mention the one room titled Carnival Midway has a scareactor in this house that is called Carnie, so it really is something out of left field, and probably completely original just like LITC last year.

Also we think its meant to be written Z.A.P. being intials for words...so Zombies ____ ____
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Still waiting for that Left 4 Dead house. And on the topic of kids at HHN. Some kids can take it. I saw a guy last year who brought a younger kid and the kid seemed fine. The zone actors came up to him and told him it was all fake and when an actor did try to scare himall he said was, dude not cool. Personally I would say 13 but it's the parents call. And about anyone under 17, most of them are better behaved then the ones over.
looking at those pics something just popped into my brain.......1,2 freddys coming for you 3,4 you better lock your door :happy: and we all know the rest

since they kept EVERYTHING from us, how is it so certain that they shadily didn't renue certain licenses? that dosen't have to be public infromation
Wait I think I figured it out. Zap isn't a code name, it's a referance back to HHN 2004 where power keeped all the haunted attractions together somehow (I chould be wrong). Anyway, I think it's a revampe of Deadtropolis because it's the only thing from 04' that would make the most since about this house and also Deadtropolis had a full size vehicle in it to. I put my money on that.
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I thought Deadtropolis was a great house, its my favorite in the disaster queue aside from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I don't know if he would want me to say or not, but I won't say specifics he has other layouts too.
If he does indeed have other layouts I wonder what houses they are for. Don 't think he should post them since I'm sure he doesn't want his site suspended again.

As for Deadtropilis, that's a possibility I can't believe I didnt think of.