Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear | Page 87 | Inside Universal Forums

Halloween Horror Nights XX: Twenty Years of Fear

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The symbol (Just like in HHN 14 & 15) that connects all the haunts together, but this time it's bigger and this connects every single HHN icon or character.
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Like I've said before its a sort of family tree and in the center or the top will be the "godfather" of HHN and he connects the past 20 years together.
it would seem our icon is the god of fear himself....unleashing 5 elements of fear: Chaos; Death; Sacrifice; Legend; and Vengeance.

I'm leaning towards this outcome myself.

From Wiki

Those who worshipped Phobos often made bloody sacrifices in his name. In Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus, the seven warriors slaughter a bull over a black shield and then “touching the bull’s gore with their hands they swore an oath by … Phobos who delights in blood…”(Atsma). Ares’s son, Kyknos, “beheaded strangers who came along in order to build a temple to Phobos (fear) from the skulls.” (Atsma).

Warriors and heroes who worshipped Phobos, such as Heracles and Agamemnon, carried shields with depictions of Phobos on them.

According to Plutarch, Alexander the Great offered sacrifices to Phobos on the eve of the Battle of Gaugamela. This was believed by Mary Renault to be part of Alexander’s psychological warfare campaign against Darius III. Darius fled from the field of Gaugamela, which makes Alexander’s praying to Phobos (in all probability asking him to fill Darius with fear) seem successful as a tactic.

For the record, that battle began Oct 1st. Throw in that rumored Greek house...and there you go.

Also worth a mention.

Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes 41 ff (trans. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) :
"Seven warriors [the leaders of the army of the Seven Against Thebes], fierce regiment-commanders, slaughtered a bull over a black shield [before the commencement of battle], and then touching the bull's gore with their hands they swore an oath by Ares, by Enyo, and by Phobos (Rout) who delights in blood (philaimatos), that either they will level the city and sack the Kadmeans' town by force, or will in death smear this soil with their blood."

Jack, Eddie, Caretaker, Director, Storyteller, Mary, and Usher make 7. Just throwing out some more theories.
Something interesting about the names of the LT members on Facebook.

Ignacia Himmel. Ignacia is Latin for Fiery;fire. Himmel is Dutch for Heaven/Sky.

Gabriel Fell. Gabriel is an archangel who is a messenger of god. I find it ironic that his last name is Fell. Could it be a reference to Fallen Angels?
I've been off the boards for a while and now I've returned just in time to join the excitement and the reveal of HHN XX! I'm finally caught up on this thread and WOW there's so many cool ideas and rumors for what could happen! I can't wait until Thursday to find out more!!! :D

I'm SUPER excited for the possibility of a huge mega house with all past icons. That would be something I'd LOVE to see!

This is gonna be my third year attending and I'm so excited!!! I’m sure it’ll be the best yet! :D
Something interesting about the names of the LT members on Facebook.

Ignacia Himmel. Ignacia is Latin for Fiery;fire. Himmel is Dutch for Heaven/Sky.

Gabriel Fell. Gabriel is an archangel who is a messenger of god. I find it ironic that his last name is Fell. Could it be a reference to Fallen Angels?

Only thing is, it's Ignatia not Ignacia...
but I suppose they could've changed it around a bit to throw us off.
Okay so here is the jest of what's happened.

-The Puzzle was completed
-Individuals were given puzzle pieces (photographs)
-The last photograph was told not to be released but Ignatia coaxed the person into releasing it.
-Each symbol represented a past icon. Chaos-Jack, Death-Caretaker, Mythos-Storyteller, etc.
-When the puzzle was completed LT (specifically Mr. Fell and Ignatia; we have suspicion they are romantically involved.) started summoning the Sumerian God of Fear Adaru
-We aren't 100% on who is playing us. Legendary Truth has been "hacked" by Universal so at times we aren't sure who we are talking too.
-Legendary Truth probably has ulterior motives and is releasing this demon for power purposes, not to destroy it. LT has a history of releasing evil, like they did with the Bloody Mary case in 2008
-Sh**'s either going down today or tomorrow.

Some images for those following that has no clue of what is going on.

Credits to Rob Rage


Credits to Will "DinoPirate" Kroner


Credits to Chase "Dragon" Fowler

If you want to follow it more closely and not follow the thread on HNN then I suggest you Facebook stalk the hell out Legendary Truth.
LT this year is definately more in depth than it was last time, but it truly takes a hardcore fan to follow the pieces and see what is going on. And I believe that I was semi-correct when I said the symbol represents a sort of family tree or family crest for all the HHN icons with the God, demi-god, or Godfather...hey whats a horse's head doing in here :lol:.....will be at the center and rule over all.

Maybe it is Nightmare who is a suppossed spawn of the devil, or maybe its the Devil himself...if UO had a lot of backlash for BM, imagine if they use the Devil for an icon...but it will be someone who has ultimate power and rule all, and to avoid TOO much backlash they may just call this years icon by his greek name...Hades, and the rumored greek house is this year's icon house.
Okay so here is the jest of what's happened.

-The Puzzle was completed
-Individuals were given puzzle pieces (photographs)
-The last photograph was told not to be released but Ignatia coaxed the person into releasing it.
-Each symbol represented a past icon. Chaos-Jack, Death-Caretaker, Mythos-Storyteller, etc.
-When the puzzle was completed LT (specifically Mr. Fell and Ignatia; we have suspicion they are romantically involved.) started summoning the Sumerian God of Fear Adaru
-We aren't 100% on who is playing us. Legendary Truth has been "hacked" by Universal so at times we aren't sure who we are talking too.
-Legendary Truth probably has ulterior motives and is releasing this demon for power purposes, not to destroy it. LT has a history of releasing evil, like they did with the Bloody Mary case in 2008
-Sh**'s either going down today or tomorrow.

Some images for those following that has no clue of what is going on.

Credits to Rob Rage


Credits to Will "DinoPirate" Kroner


Credits to Chase "Dragon" Fowler

If you want to follow it more closely and not follow the thread on HNN then I suggest you Facebook stalk the hell out Legendary Truth.

I tried reading the Speculation thread on HNN, but there are too many posts to go into detail re: LT. Where on the FB page do they mention summoning the Greek god?
Its not specific but its a possible theory...there is also a chance that maybe each icon represents other types of gods/demi-gods.....Jack does have a strange resemblence (in nature) to Loki the god of mischief.
Dangit! I gotta be in bed by 10, mainly cause the wife has to sleep early...maybe I can sneak out of bed to check it out :look: