I'm sorry to hear that, Dave.
Unfortunately, you aren't the only person who's experienced this overwrought treatment from security. I've heard stories from seasoned vets that were accused of things they didn't do. It's sorta funny because they need to be overprotective of their scareactors, but they also need to be mindful of who they accuse (and how it comes across).
Completely different situation, but Drew and I were hanging around Festival and saw one of the dancing girls get approached by a couple of young teens and asked for a photo. She allowed it, and they went ahead and leaned up against the stage for the photo. Out of nowhere, one of the TM's comes barging in yelling "GET OFF THE STAGE. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE DO YOU NOT GET ON THE STAGE"...
The teens were generally shocked, and the scareactor seemed to try to tell the TM it was cool, but that's not a good look at all.
So I can only imagine the situation when it's something that's a more serious issue/accusation.
I did see UO reached out to you, though. Hopefully they take care of it and make it right with you.