Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 208 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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August 17th softs
September 1st grand opening in time for Labor Day weekend.

My source?
Got you down for those dates.
If that's accurate, I'm gonna have to hope I'm there at the right time for softs. My last day in Universal is the 30th, so hopefully it's running at a decent pace by then.
Hulk has missed majority of the summer. I think Universal will do everything it can to up and running before Labor Day weekend. A grand opening just before then would be a great way for them end the summer season.
My new pet peeve to follow the Sapphire Falls parking sign: The train he's holding is almost lined up with the track, but isn't perfectly orientated and isn't actually connected to the rails like it looks like it should be. Universal are really messing with my neat requirements recently :lol:
My new pet peeve to follow the Sapphire Falls parking sign: The train he's holding is almost lined up with the track, but isn't perfectly orientated and isn't actually connected to the rails like it looks like it should be. Universal are really messing with my neat requirements recently :lol:

The train off the track not being lined up peeved me too. I liked it better without the recently installed piece behind the car.
I don't understand kids having phones to begin with.

I always said my kids would get a basic flip phone when they started after school activities or going out without us. Basically being able to contact us if needed because pay phones don't exist anymore. Only issue you can't find flip phones and with the new plans they are just as expensive as smart phones. We ended up upgraded my mom to a smart phone for this exact reason. So now I totally get the 13 year old with a smart phone.
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TMs have been training for MONTHS now. I imagine that this was a case of delays and back and forth on getting things signed off by Marvel. With every theme park project I've ever seen that involved rights and approvals by license holders always seems to be delayed or right down to the wire getting approvals and doing revisions that the license holder required.
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I've heard from *sources*, who I trust entirely, seeing as we worked with them on this project, The main reason for delay is exactly that, The control/ride systems.

They had planned right up until recently to use the existing system with a nice new control board. however due to issues with the launch tunnel show scenes, this couldnt be done.
Correct me if im wrong but the existing launch tunnel show scene was triggered by an actual sensor on/near the track that detected the train was about to enter the tunnel, for the new scene, this could not be done as the onboard audio starts as soon as the train is dispatched and this needs to line up with the audio in the tunnel/effects.

A new system has been installed and all effects are currently being programmed/timed, best visible example of this is the water jets, they are the same jets, same system, different computer controlling them and therefore timings need to be re tested/inputted, the new trains and speed would mean this would of HAD to have been done on the old system anyway.

I also understand that because of recent issues with the launch scene, the trains speed/launch speed is being changed as of this week. An example of this is the re-testing with dummies in the past few days.
Universal sets an aggressive schedule to get projects done. Unfortunately, sometimes things go wrong. I appreciate them for trying to get projects done so quickly.

Even though we've been given a preview for the queue, I'm expecting some major things going into this if it's taken a year.