Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 207 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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My 13 year old niece goes through withdrawal when separated from her phone for more than a few minutes. Low battery induces panic. Someday I am going to take her somewhere with no cell service just to see if her head explodes. :)
I'm one of the few people left in the world that doesn't have or want a cell phone. 18 years of being a Union President and people calling me 24/7 cured me of ever wanting something where people could reach me anywhere I may be. I have peace & solitude. Freedom is exhilarating. .....People should give it a try sometime. Free yourselves from the shackles of big brother, people always bothering you, and too much tech and too little time. It's a better world. Trust me. :)
I'm one of the few people left in the world that doesn't have or want a cell phone. 18 years of being a Union President and people calling me 24/7 cured me of ever wanting something where people could reach me anywhere I may be.

You are something else! ;) I have had a cell since 97 however, I am with you in turning it off so I don't get bothered. Since living in Florida, I pretty much have it for road emergencies so it's almost always off.
It just hit me that we sound a bit like Greta Garbo. "I vant to be alone!"
There you go. :) Alone though, when you want to be, and social when you want to be. No beeps, rings, music, whistles, queuing you like one of Pavlov's dogs. .......Although I don't think it will happen soon, there will come a day in the future when people get tired of the lack of privacy and a too fast lifestyle, and there will be a movement away from all of those privacy tech intrusions. People will have a thirst for personal freedom & privacy, and a lot of companies will go under. Slow up, enjoy the ambiance and smell the roses.....................It took me 7 years to get my GF to diminish her reliance & use of her cell phone/smart phone. Now, she rarely uses it and tells me she feels so much more relaxed.
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I'm one of the few people left in the world that doesn't have or want a cell phone. 18 years of being a Union President and people calling me 24/7 cured me of ever wanting something where people could reach me anywhere I may be. I have peace & solitude. Freedom is exhilarating. .....People should give it a try sometime. Free yourselves from the shackles of big brother, people always bothering you, and too much tech and too little time. It's a better world. Trust me. :)

You think people actually use their smartphones for phone calls? :lol: I use my phone a LOT, but never answer any calls. My phone has never been off of silent.

Now messaging, yes. People will message you 24/7. It is hard not to check your Facebook messages. Silent doesn't mean the light will stop flashing on your phone.
You can get a Hulk cell phone cover.
You think people actually use their smartphones for phone calls? :lol: I use my phone a LOT, but never answer any calls. My phone has never been off of silent.

Now messaging, yes. People will message you 24/7. It is hard not to check your Facebook messages. Silent doesn't mean the light will stop flashing on your phone.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. People don't talk to each other anymore. Text & messaging. Even worst. :)
I love my cell phone. Its an amazing piece of technology that connects me to the world. NOW can we get back to HULK.
The cell phone is just the next iteration of one generation shaming another ones primary choice of media consumption. For my generation of kids it was watch tv all the time but chastise me for video games or the computer. For this generation it is using the cell phone.
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