Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 235 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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I am beginning to wonder if those complaining of roughness are avid coaster riders who board all relaxed and happy. I tense up on steel coasters, so much so that my head couldn't bang anything. So, that is just a theory I have.
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I am beginning to wonder if those complaining of roughness are avid coaster riders who board all relaxed and happy. I tense up on steel coasters, so much so that my head couldn't bang anything. So, that is just a theory I have.

I'm wondering if it's people not keeping their head back against the headrest, instead leaning forward and learning that their neck muscles just aren't that strong when more Gs are applied.
I was very disappointed. I feel like there's a lot less going on in the queue than there was before, the launch is anti-climatic (a bunch of screens with wobbly circles and a faint computer voice saying "do not be afraid), and the score seemed kind of low-key and had that same generic rock sound the rest of Marvel Island does. Now, all of this wouldn't really be so much of a big deal if the actual coaster experience was worlds beyond what it was before, but the ride doesn't seem any smoother, it's still painfully throwing my head around in the restraint like a beast. I really wish they had changed the restraint style if it's still going to be this rough. There's no dialogue in the onboard audio, for all of the hullabaloo about the story with General Ross, he's nowhere to be found, much less the actual Hulk/Banner. For the big deal they made about the new story, I kinda figured there'd be a musion bit with Ross or something. Unless the videos just haven't been loaded in or whatever yet, most of the screens around the queue just show computer readouts, whereas before there was an actual video to watch. There is literally nothing going on up until you approach the loading area. This really annoys me considering you are not allowed to have your phone in line anymore, I think a bigger effort should have been made to engage you in the experience, especially with the long wait times this iconic coaster usually commands. They did a great job giving the whole thing a sleek new look, but that's about the only improvement I see here. I came away more excited about the lockers than I did the actual ride.
It sounds like it will be more enjoyable for someone like me, who didn't realize they had hyped up such a different queue and ride experience from what was previously there. I figured this upgrade had more to do with maintenance, given the age of the existing infrastructure. The other stuff -- new vehicles, lighting, etc. -- seemed like a bonus. Although I will be disappointed if the new track didn't make things smoother.

About the lockers, am I understanding correctly that you use your park pass to "log in," and thus need to keep your pass on you during the ride to access the lockers afterward?
So, the comment about the train shuffling,and shaking makes me think you feel the ride isn't safe? Like something is actually wrong with the train alignment? That is kinda scary. The words "not right" concern me.

It didnt feel unsafe, but still not right having ridden so many rides of the same type. I just felt like it should be tracking much better than it was, since there isnt anything wrong with the track design itself (unless there was some weird errors in manufacturing). Can someone back me up that this ride was very smooth back in 1999 when it first debuted?
It definitely looks better, sounds better and got needed upgrades. I'm happy its back to help with wait times.

You will need to keep your pass on you to get back in your locker. These lockers are the biggest improvement of the refurb.
Haven't used the lockers yet, but still feel weird about them, for the simple reason now I have to keep my pass secure. Usually my pass is in my wallet (in a plastic sleeve), so I will have to take it out and put it in my pocket. I often wear cargo shorts, so I can put my pass in them, but somehow I now feel paranoid because a pass is small and could somehow maybe get out. I could get a lanyard, but then it'd be paranoid of losing that. Could you actually take a copy of your pass and use that to scan for the lockers, that way if I lose that, I just lose a piece a paper, not my actual pass?

Anyway, I am probably going tomorrow morning, hopefully at rope drop Hulk will be open. Otherwise I'll just do Kong again. I do like the idea of lockers working faster. I think I have a shirt that has a zipper pocket, maybe I'll wear that to store my pass in. And yes, I am well aware I am thinking probably way too much about something very little, but I like to be prepared :)
I've had a chance to digest the upgrades and here is where I stand.. Please note I still enjoy the ride and the upgrades while reading this.

The Good
1. The exterior upgrades are FANTASTIC!! (Lighting, sound, effects)
2. The RV's are quite possibly the best B&M coaster trains ever created
3. The smoothness isn't as smooth as I expected but I still think this may be a wheel issue. These trains are heavier than your traditional B&M train so hopefully switching to a different type of wheel will help. Doubtful I know but I have hope.. Regardless though its still much smoother than before it closed down.
4. The station looks incredible! I feel like it fits the story they are "trying" to convey.

The Not so Good
1. Where in the hell is the air conditioning? Its a freaking hot box in the damn queue!! THIS IS FLORIDA!!
2. The launch tube may be the biggest missed opportunity for Creative in recent memory.. The audio is non existent, the screens while cool have weak content displayed, and would it of been too hard to incorporate the actual Hulk in some way?
3. Back to the queue, whats the story? I had literally 11 seconds to watch a video SCREEN that I couldn't even hear to tell me what is going on. Why not convey the story earlier in the queue? You know when I had 45 mins of standing around trying to figure out what the hell is going on..

Final thoughts
I think overall Creative missed the boat on what could of been a revolutionary upgrade/modernization of the famed Hulk coaster and character. I think its pretty obvious that Universal wanted the MCU upgrade and appearance but didn't want to pay to make it a reality. Don't get me wrong this is a huge upgrade to the comic book inspired original but overall it just feels like it came up short. I mean where is the Hulk on the ride? Why is the entire story crammed into literally seconds before you load? And why are there screens telling me whats going on? IMO they should of added actual characters to the ride launch tube as well as a final scene before unloading. The complete miss of added scenes to the queue, a developing story, actual characters, and the FREAKING HULK himself to me is inexcusable. This is one of the most recognizable theme park attractions in the world and they had the opportunity to go above and beyond.. Instead it seems creative is continuing its recent trend of just good enough rather than being the best..
Could you actually take a copy of your pass and use that to scan for the lockers, that way if I lose that, I just lose a piece a paper, not my actual pass?
That is a great idea! I don't see why it wouldn't work it's just a barcode after all. I'm planning to go later today I'll give it a try.
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I've had a chance to digest the upgrades and here is where I stand.. Please note I still enjoy the ride and the upgrades while reading this.

The Good
1. The exterior upgrades are FANTASTIC!! (Lighting, sound, effects)
2. The RV's are quite possibly the best B&M coaster trains ever created
3. The smoothness isn't as smooth as I expected but I still think this may be a wheel issue. These trains are heavier than your traditional B&M train so hopefully switching to a different type of wheel will help. Doubtful I know but I have hope.. Regardless though its still much smoother than before it closed down.
4. The station looks incredible! I feel like it fits the story they are "trying" to convey.

The Not so Good
1. Where in the hell is the air conditioning? Its a freaking hot box in the damn queue!! THIS IS FLORIDA!!
2. The launch tube may be the biggest missed opportunity for Creative in recent memory.. The audio is non existent, the screens while cool have weak content displayed, and would it of been too hard to incorporate the actual Hulk in some way?
3. Back to the queue, whats the story? I had literally 11 seconds to watch a video SCREEN that I couldn't even hear to tell me what is going on. Why not convey the story earlier in the queue? You know when I had 45 mins of standing around trying to figure out what the hell is going on..

Final thoughts
I think overall Creative missed the boat on what could of been a revolutionary upgrade/modernization of the famed Hulk coaster and character. I think its pretty obvious that Universal wanted the MCU upgrade and appearance but didn't want to pay to make it a reality. Don't get me wrong this is a huge upgrade to the comic book inspired original but overall it just feels like it came up short. I mean where is the Hulk on the ride? Why is the entire story crammed into literally seconds before you load? And why are there screens telling me whats going on? IMO they should of added actual characters to the ride launch tube as well as a final scene before unloading. The complete miss of added scenes to the queue, a developing story, actual characters, and the FREAKING HULK himself to me is inexcusable. This is one of the most recognizable theme park attractions in the world and they had the opportunity to go above and beyond.. Instead it seems creative is continuing its recent trend of just good enough rather than being the best..
Like your balanced review.
I've had a chance to digest the upgrades and here is where I stand.. Please note I still enjoy the ride and the upgrades while reading this.

The Good
1. The exterior upgrades are FANTASTIC!! (Lighting, sound, effects)
2. The RV's are quite possibly the best B&M coaster trains ever created
3. The smoothness isn't as smooth as I expected but I still think this may be a wheel issue. These trains are heavier than your traditional B&M train so hopefully switching to a different type of wheel will help. Doubtful I know but I have hope.. Regardless though its still much smoother than before it closed down.
4. The station looks incredible! I feel like it fits the story they are "trying" to convey.

The Not so Good
1. Where in the hell is the air conditioning? Its a freaking hot box in the damn queue!! THIS IS FLORIDA!!
2. The launch tube may be the biggest missed opportunity for Creative in recent memory.. The audio is non existent, the screens while cool have weak content displayed, and would it of been too hard to incorporate the actual Hulk in some way?
3. Back to the queue, whats the story? I had literally 11 seconds to watch a video SCREEN that I couldn't even hear to tell me what is going on. Why not convey the story earlier in the queue? You know when I had 45 mins of standing around trying to figure out what the hell is going on..

Final thoughts
I think overall Creative missed the boat on what could of been a revolutionary upgrade/modernization of the famed Hulk coaster and character. I think its pretty obvious that Universal wanted the MCU upgrade and appearance but didn't want to pay to make it a reality. Don't get me wrong this is a huge upgrade to the comic book inspired original but overall it just feels like it came up short. I mean where is the Hulk on the ride? Why is the entire story crammed into literally seconds before you load? And why are there screens telling me whats going on? IMO they should of added actual characters to the ride launch tube as well as a final scene before unloading. The complete miss of added scenes to the queue, a developing story, actual characters, and the FREAKING HULK himself to me is inexcusable. This is one of the most recognizable theme park attractions in the world and they had the opportunity to go above and beyond.. Instead it seems creative is continuing its recent trend of just good enough rather than being the best..

Exactly what I was trying to say, only much more coherent, haha
BTW even though the park "opens" at 9 they had Hulk running at 8am today for all guests (side note Kong was up around 8:30). Rode it a couple of times, much smoother, but yeah I thought the story wasn't presented clearly, similarly to the issues people have with Kong. Also they need to do something more to distinguish the front row line vs. the other lines, because most guests think the two lines are identical.
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