Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb | Page 143 | Inside Universal Forums

Incredible Hulk Coaster Refurb

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So awesome. Looks like my guy was right about the queue after all. It looks like you're going to be able to see yourself transform into your own version of the Hulk. :clap:
Entrance looks amazing. Queue looks great. Story is really questionable. Especially from a Marvel universe standpoint. Why would General Ross be conducting experiments and allowing people to take part in it? Hulf-if-ction? Why can't we just have Banner conducting the experiment? I guess we will have to see the execution of it all but it seemed a little off to me.

Just my opinion. Please don't shoot.
Alright! That launch tube is what we needed! After seeing how cool Tron lightcycles launch sequence is I am glad Universal is upping their game too. I know its Shanghai vs Orlando, but still interesting timing with us seeing disney's brand new launched coaster only days prior to this release
Entrance looks amazing. Queue looks great. Story is really questionable. Especially from a Marvel universe standpoint. Why would General Ross be conducting experiments and allowing people to take part in it? Hulf-if-ction? Why can't we just have Banner conducting the experiment? I guess we will have to see the execution of it all but it seemed a little off to me.

Just my opinion. Please don't shoot.

What Jungle said and he also is Red Hulk if anyone remembers. He took the hulks powers and became Red Hulk to try to take the Hulk down.
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You're absolutely right but doing something questionable to himself (Red-Hulk). Putting other people in harms way to recreate the experiment seems really off.

"Ross spends years chasing the monster, becoming obsessed enough with it to commit treason by allying himself with the Leader, MODOK and the Abomination[3] in order to destroy the Hulk. Dismissed from the military, he shows up at Betty and Bruce's wedding with a gun, and shoots Rick Jones."

I don't think he's above that. :lol:
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You're absolutely right but doing something questionable to himself (Red-Hulk). Putting other people in harms way to recreate the experiment seems really off.

Not if you base it on the 2008 MCU incredible hulk film where he has his team mates inject themselves with Super Soldier Serum to fight the Hulk as well. Also his past...

Thaddeus Ross was involved in an Army research and development program intended to recreate the "Super Soldier Serum" first developed in World War II. The project was known as the Bio-Tech Force Enhancement Project. In the beginning of the scheme, the military had been using captured terrorists of Al-Haquid to test out various serums. However, pictures of the project came out and the United States Congress killed it.