I've been a skipper for a little over a year now and these rumors have apparently been around forever. As for the extension of the dock to include a wheelchair ramp, its completely necessary. The wheelchair and handicapped passengers have to wait for the specified boats and the process is quite long, while no boat can leave or come in. As for the partially narrated spiel, little known, this was actually supposed to happen in the past. In fact, one of the boats has a dead button on the panel that says "spiel"..it was basically the idea of George of the Jungle. There would still be a skipper, but like posted before, you would interact with a comical "narrator"..a third person ominous god like voice that talked about your journey. I don't mind this if they do it in the right way like kilimanjaro safaris. JC is in DESPERATE need of a rehaul, five extra minutes would be great, something more interactive, and i'm excited to see what this brings. indoor break room pls?