So, I reported about this on Parkscope the other day, and Screamscape passed it on as well, but more info is coming out about what could possibly be coming to the Jungle Cruise within the next year.
Basically I came across a notice of commencement detailing site work for the entire Jungle Cruise area. While talking with a fairly well connected member of the community, I found out some insane rumors that I had heard way back when I was a skipper may actually be coming true. So far all of this is far from confirmed.
-Extended ride path around the Swiss Family Tree house, adding about 5 minutes to the attraction
-New scenes for extended ride path
-Partially automated spiel. I have NO idea what this entails, and is the only thing I'm on the fence on about this.
-New queue
-Wheelchair loading dock
Now, to go on a bit about WDW. You all know me as pretty down on the current state of WDW. Some may call me a hater, while I look at myself as a realist. Well, the tide, in all honesty, may be turning in our favor.
Whispers have started that Uni's resurgence and WDW's stagnate ways have begun to worry the company. Many sources I trust are saying WDW is starting to look at doing "things out of the ordinary" for them, including the above project. I don't want people to take this for gospel, or to believe change is definitely coming...but it may be beginning to look up.