Ok, youre right that I think we are on much different pages here

From what I understand, people want a big Jurassic Park expansion (bigger than what we've been told even though nothing has even been revealed in full detail yet). This is being justified with te release of Jurassic World. What IM saying is that:
1.) More dinosaur rides are repetitive
2.) More dinosaur rides are difficult to market when JPRA is already so well-established. It would be easier for Universal to just use momentum from the movie to promote what they already have.
3.) If you put in a calming dinosaur exhibit, you said yourself jmercer that it would be a C-ticket with no advertising pull.
...which brings us full-circle to the whole Jurassic World cross-promotion idea...it just doesnt really make sense. At the end of the day, IOA needs more family rides and they can fit one in JP, its not really the other way around IMO.