Jurassic World VelociCoaster Construction Thread (Opening June 10) | Page 155 | Inside Universal Forums

Jurassic World VelociCoaster Construction Thread (Opening June 10)

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I know, they could have a spinning ride that's not just a spinning ride, but TWO spinning rides that spin in different directions, and with an elaborate queue and a system of pagers to tell you when your seat is ready :bonk: :p Seriously though, they really should avoid repetition in their flat rides; I don't know how Disney gets away with it, but no level of interactivity can mask the fact that all spinners/carousels/other types of flat rides are nearly identical. My hope is that if they do any type of flat ride, it'll at least be one they haven't done yet, like an orbiter-style ride (that's the only kid-friendly one I can think of off the top of my head that doesn't already exist in IOA).

Universal has two spinners...they're also about to have (allegedly) two carousels. There's already repetition. They also cater to less than half the people Disney does...capacity issues is how Disney "gets away with it".
Maybe a mini Himalaya or something similar to Mater's Junkyard Jamboree? A frog hopper/observation tower would be nice, as would a ferris wheel (the Orlando Eye might render that redundant)
If this project is still on, is this expansion really going to happen simultaneously as Kong is constructed?Or perhaps afterwards?

I dig the amber mine/wooden coaster concept. I just don't see the jeep ride happening.

Regarding flat rides, Universal could use some young kid-friendly stuff. I would love to see some rides like the ones found at Shamu's Happy Harbor(SW) or Sesame Street Safari of Fun(BG). They could use a water/splash area over there too.
If this project is still on, is this expansion really going to happen simultaneously as Kong is constructed?Or perhaps afterwards?

I dig the amber mine/wooden coaster concept. I just don't see the jeep ride happening.

Regarding flat rides, Universal could use some young kid-friendly stuff. I would love to see some rides like the ones found at Shamu's Happy Harbor(SW) or Sesame Street Safari of Fun(BG). They could use a water/splash area over there too.

I would actually hate to see that. Whatever they build has to be something everyone can ride. Not parents watching their kids ride, like those kids lands you mentioned.
I would actually hate to see that. Whatever they build has to be something everyone can ride. Not parents watching their kids ride, like those kids lands you mentioned.

Parents CAN ride those - they simply choose not to. Not to mention that flat rides can fit into spaces dark rides cannot
I know, they could have a spinning ride that's not just a spinning ride, but TWO spinning rides that spin in different directions, and with an elaborate queue and a system of pagers to tell you when your seat is ready :bonk: :p Seriously though, they really should avoid repetition in their flat rides; I don't know how Disney gets away with it, but no level of interactivity can mask the fact that all spinners/carousels/other types of flat rides are nearly identical. My hope is that if they do any type of flat ride, it'll at least be one they haven't done yet, like an orbiter-style ride (that's the only kid-friendly one I can think of off the top of my head that doesn't already exist in IOA).

You may think it is silly, but that one ride had HUGE waits prior to the expansion and still even now I have seen 60 minute waits on that ride. The play area makes that wait with young kids bearable to parents. Talk to a parent with kids who are of the age to ride dumbo and they will tell you they LOVE that ride, why? They can sit down and relax in air conditioning for about 15 to 20 minutes while the kids run around and have fun. It is the perfect "kiddie" ride scenario for parents. My only complaint is they should have made the play area bigger so it handles 40 minute waits. Then you would be in there for 30 minutes. Right now it handles 25 minute waits and you are only in there 15 to 20 minutes of your wait. Disney does some silly things, but that was not one of them. It was a genius move by them for their current clientele and their current issues.
You may think it is silly, but that one ride had HUGE waits prior to the expansion and still even now I have seen 60 minute waits on that ride. The play area makes that wait with young kids bearable to parents. Talk to a parent with kids who are of the age to ride dumbo and they will tell you they LOVE that ride, why? They can sit down and relax in air conditioning for about 15 to 20 minutes while the kids run around and have fun. It is the perfect "kiddie" ride scenario for parents. My only complaint is they should have made the play area bigger so it handles 40 minute waits. Then you would be in there for 30 minutes. Right now it handles 25 minute waits and you are only in there 15 to 20 minutes of your wait. Disney does some silly things, but that was not one of them. It was a genius move by them for their current clientele and their current issues.
Precisely- while I've never understood how Disney's rather numerous spinning rides are so ludicrously popular for something so unremarkable (as proof, a cheap festival I attended this weekend had a perfect clone of Dumbo, complete with a Timothy Q. Mouse clone in the middle), their popularity has never been as stellar at UOR, regardless of the quality. So, therefore, I would hate to see any amount of what little unused space remains in Jurassic Park wasted on something that would not only look tacky, but also be relatively unpopular.
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Precisely- while I've never understood how Disney's rather numerous spinning rides are so ludicrously popular for something so unremarkable (as proof, a cheap festival I attended this weekend had a perfect clone of Dumbo, complete with a Timothy Q. Mouse clone in the middle), their popularity has never been as stellar at UOR, regardless of the quality. So, therefore, I would hate to see any amount of what little unused space remains in Jurassic Park wasted on something that would not only look tacky, but also be relatively unpopular.

I never rode Dumbo prior to having kids. But now that I have a kid, I know why my little one loves it. First, it is an animal, kids LOVE animals of all kinds. Second, they can control the up and down of the car. Kids don't control much in their life, so anything they can control is awesome to them. Third, if you go down and then go up real quick it bounces and to a kid that is a huge thrill. My daughter giggles when my husband does that and she has now learned how to do it and that is all she does the whole time it goes in a circle. You have to remember, kids under 35" don't get much thrills. At 35" you get barnstormer and then at 36" you get the two coasters at Uni. But many kids want more than just dark rides and the spinners give them a little "thrill". Not thrilling to us, but when you are that age it is very thrilling.

I disagree they are not popular at Uni. I am not sure about Kudos and Kang since I have not been in that area much since it opened, but one fish, two fish has a pretty decent line. Not dumbo size line, but that is because less kids that age go to Uni. The carousal has the same line Disney's has, basically a 5 to 10 minute wait. The capacity of those things are pretty big and therefore the waits are not bad. You have to realize that Uni wants to attract families with younger kids and as they accomplish this, those rides will become more popular. They are building for the future, not building for their current attendance/demographic.
I agree, flat rides are fun no matter what. Yeah they aren't technologically ground breaking but they are just fun especially when they are done right. Uni has been on a roll with making fun and interesting flat rides with fun themes and gimmicks. No doubt they will go all out with JP theming
You keep saying this, and I'll keep saying they don't see it that way.

If they don't see it this way, then why build Kudos and Kang? Why think about putting a flat ride in JP? Why build a family coaster in JP? Why talk about HE being for the whole family so much? Why build Kong with no height restriction, so it will be a family dark ride? I am sorry, so much they are doing trends to wanting to grab those families that have some younger kids in them. You are not in the meetings with the higher ups and either am I, so neither of us can say for sure what their intentions are, but everything I see coming down the pipeline say they want those families to come to Universal for a couple days of their vacation. They want more attendance and to get more attendance they need families to come that are not visiting them today. I will agree (and have always said) they for now are NOT trying to get the families with all kids under the age of 5. They want the mixed families, the ones with some kids above 5 and some below 5. Because guess what? They are NOT getting those families today. Spoke to another family who has 2 kids above 5 and one below. They say they don't go to Universal and have no plans to until all their kids are older. They come to Orlando 4 or more times a year and never have once visited Uni. Uni wants THAT family and they need to build the rides to attract that family and guess what? They are.
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If they don't see it this way, then why build Kudos and Kang? Why think about putting a flat ride in JP?

Because they're easy and cheap ways to placate the kiddy audience.

Why build a family coaster in JP?

If they are, it's because the park lacks an "entire family" attraction. It's not going to convince the Disney set to go to Universal.

Why talk about HE being for the whole family so much?

True, but I wouldn't call it a main talking point.

Why build Kong with no height restriction, so it will be a family dark ride?

If that's the case, again, it's to get an "everyone rides together" ride. King Kong is not going to draw people from Disney's target demos.

I am sorry, so much they are doing trends to wanting to grab those families that have some younger kids in them. You are not in the meetings with the higher ups and either am I, so neither of us can say for sure what their intentions are, but everything I see coming down the pipeline say they want those families to come to Universal for a couple days of their vacation. They want more attendance and to get more attendance they need families to come that are not visiting them today. I will agree (and have always said) they for now are NOT trying to get the families with all kids under the age of 5. They want the mixed families, the ones with some kids above 5 and some below 5. Because guess what? They are NOT getting those families today. Spoke to another family who has 2 kids above 5 and one below. They say they don't go to Universal and have no plans to until all their kids are older. They come to Orlando 4 or more times a year and never have once visited Uni. Uni wants THAT family and they need to build the rides to attract that family and guess what? They are.

True, I'm not in meetings. But I have sources I trust and most agree the under 5 set is not a priority for UOR management.
If they don't see it this way, then why build Kudos and Kang? Why think about putting a flat ride in JP? Why build a family coaster in JP? Why talk about HE being for the whole family so much? Why build Kong with no height restriction, so it will be a family dark ride? I am sorry, so much they are doing trends to wanting to grab those families that have some younger kids in them. You are not in the meetings with the higher ups and either am I, so neither of us can say for sure what their intentions are, but everything I see coming down the pipeline say they want those families to come to Universal for a couple days of their vacation. They want more attendance and to get more attendance they need families to come that are not visiting them today. I will agree (and have always said) they for now are NOT trying to get the families with all kids under the age of 5. They want the mixed families, the ones with some kids above 5 and some below 5. Because guess what? They are NOT getting those families today. Spoke to another family who has 2 kids above 5 and one below. They say they don't go to Universal and have no plans to until all their kids are older. They come to Orlando 4 or more times a year and never have once visited Uni. Uni wants THAT family and they need to build the rides to attract that family and guess what? They are.

Because they arent trying to attract kids, but they know Kids will come... Therefor their approach isnt "Lets build a space where kids can take photos with princesses" - Which is essentially just for the kid. UC is going to build a ride for the family to enjoy. The kids dont know who Kudos and Kang are, but most parents do and find it to be enjoyable
And saying King Kong is a family ride is a bad way to put, the ride is going to be pretty scary for kids under 7 with the bats and giant insects. Same for HE with the dementors scene.

They are rides anyone can go on, no height restriction, but the kids might not want to go on it until they are 8+

Family with kids 8+ is what Uni is trying to target - Unlike disney where you can read a story with Belle.

- - - Updated - - -

Kodos and Kang, everyone.


^^What he said!
True, I'm not in meetings. But I have sources I trust and most agree the under 5 set is not a priority for UOR management.

And I have said and will say again, they are not yet targeting families with all kids under the age of 5. They can't start there and it would not be a smart business move to even attempt that. However, I do think they are going after the mixed families that they can't get today. They don't want the families first visit to be when ALL the kids are over the age of 5. That could be 9+ years after a family has their first kid depending on the size of the family. They want that family to come when the FIRST kid hits the age of 5. If they can get that type of family to come to Uni earlier than now they increase spending, pull from Disney, and once they come if they like it they could start coming even more. That is a smart business move.
For every person that complains Universal does not have enough for kids, there is another person who complains Disney has too much for kids; it is not about one being right and the other being wrong.
I find that Universal has a good mixture of things for everyone, though personally I'd love for there to be a couple more high thrill rides. I think the idea with the Jurassic Park expansion is to try and cater to a golden mean, hence (if the rumor is accurate) a coaster that is family friendly, so not super high thrill but not a junior a la Hippogriff either.
It also seems to me that what Universal is interested in is to attract people through high tech wonders, hence the JP expansion is minor, because the real expansion is Kong, pushing technology to its limits.

- - - Updated - - -

I also wonder, does a 5 year old really wonder where all the rides for him are? I mean, as parents we may wonder, where are all the rides for our child, but does our child see it as such?
And I have said and will say again, they are not yet targeting families with all kids under the age of 5. They can't start there and it would not be a smart business move to even attempt that. However, I do think they are going after the mixed families that they can't get today. They don't want the families first visit to be when ALL the kids are over the age of 5. That could be 9+ years after a family has their first kid depending on the size of the family. They want that family to come when the FIRST kid hits the age of 5. If they can get that type of family to come to Uni earlier than now they increase spending, pull from Disney, and once they come if they like it they could start coming even more. That is a smart business move.

To put it in easier terms, they dont need to do that. Most people at a certain age get tired of disney because it become repetitive. There have been an abundant of stories of people who say that when their kids become tall enough for the thrill rides, USO and IOA becomes their park of choice and thats where they have their vacations from then on out and only sometime visit disney. They dont need "kiddy" rides because there are enough of those in Disney. And they want to distinguish themselves
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