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Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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How ironic would it be if they used a live actor and a F&F themed musion effect for the new Fast & Furious at Orlando, on the same plot of land Disaster stood on.

While I don't see that Impossible, I would think that the best bet is just the Musion on it's own with some practical effects here and there. I think that with Kong not having a live actor as the driver, that should ring a bell on that it'd be wise to not expect a live actor for the attraction in the ride itself. And I don't think scaring people in a car warehouse would make sense either, :tongue:.

I want to hold out hope, but I doubt it. Anywhooo,

I think that it may not be impossible to see Nintendo have a formal announcement for Orlando during the Volcano Bay Media week. I honestly think that would be the better of two evils, and that they can market Fast and Furious with Fallon as the new film comes out two weeks before Fallon opens publicly. What I would expect for an SNW announcement, is just like what people got for the Japanese announcement.
I have heard nothing about AR in Nintendo but I can see how that's outside my range of view with the project. So I'm taking this as a grain of salt because AR is still VERY early on and still VERY expensive.
What about a heads-up display projected on the windshield of the vehicle? That would be a fairly simple and clean way to show powerups and other info without getting involved with AR googles and a host of other issues?
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What about a heads-up display projected on the windshield of the vehicle? That would be a fairly simple and clean way to show powerups and other info without getting involved with AR googles and a host of other issues?
That idea came to me while I was drifting off to sleep a couple nights ago too. Some prototype cars are using see-through LCD displays to show speedometers and such on windshields... Couldn't that be used to display a banana in the road we're about to hit, left by another racer... And then when we hit it, we fishtail a little and it slows us down (using Universal's patent for drifting to make the back end of the car move side to side like in the game.)

What about a heads-up display projected on the windshield of the vehicle? That would be a fairly simple and clean way to show powerups and other info without getting involved with AR googles and a host of other issues?

That idea came to me while I was drifting off to sleep a couple nights ago too. Some prototype cars are using see-through LCD displays to show speedometers and such on windshields... Couldn't that be used to display a banana in the road we're about to hit, left by another racer... And then when we hit it, we fishtail a little and it slows us down (using Universal's patent for drifting to make the back end of the car move side to side like in the game.)

Yeah, but that would only work for one perspective in the ride vehicle. AR goggles would be tailored to your specific perspective. They would also have the benefit of being relatively easy to replace every few years as AR technology improves, instead of taking ride vehicles out of commission like you would probably have to do to update a windshield based system.
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Yeah, but that would only work for one perspective in the ride vehicle. AR goggles would be tailored to your specific perspective. They would also have the benefit of being relatively easy to replace every few years as AR technology improves, instead of taking ride vehicles out of commission like you would probably have to do to update a windshield based system.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't AR "goggles" really just be like cell phones strapped to your head, like the VR googles for coasters, except using the device's camera to show you the world with extra layers added on top?

So, you're saying we finally get a dark ride without screens -but- I have a tiny screen strapped to my face?

Yea, that doesn't sound fun.

Or, maybe I'm wrong, and this would be more like Google Glass and we'll have images projected onto see-through goggle lenses... but that sounds extravagantly more expensive, and lesser video quality than current cell phone AR can offer.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't AR "goggles" really just be like cell phones strapped to your head, like the VR googles for coasters, except using the device's camera to show you the world with extra layers added on top?

So, you're saying we finally get a dark ride without screens -but- I have a tiny screen strapped to my face?

Yea, that doesn't sound fun.

Or, maybe I'm wrong, and this would be more like Google Glass and we'll have images projected onto see-through goggle lenses... but that sounds extravagantly more expensive, and lesser video quality than current cell phone AR can offer.
I've gotten the impression from the people who have dropped hints in this thread that it will be like Google Glass.
I've gotten the impression from the people who have dropped hints in this thread that it will be like Google Glass.
Okay, I can deal with that... but seems like it'll be super expensive to mass produce.

Either way, super excited to see what Universal and Nintendo cook up.
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