Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks | Page 239 | Inside Universal Forums

Nintendo Coming to Universal Parks

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New to this thread... Are we going to see attractions that aren't Mario? I know it's just the concept art for a totally different park, but calling it a Nintendo World isn't really right since it's just Mario and Friends

The idea is to make it feel like you're inside the world of a Nintendo game, so in this case the land is being designed to look like it is the Mushroom Kingdom, complete with all the things you'd expect to find there like floating question blocks, green pipes, and waddling goombas. The rides themselves will have their own unique flavors, but they have decided to keep it focused on those brands that have a connection with Super Mario, as thematically it will work better than cramming Zelda and Pokemon into the Mushroom Kingdom as well.

I imagine much further down the line(at least in Orlando) they will refer to this area as Super Nintendo World: The Mushroom Kingdom, as they think of adding things like Hyrule or Kanto to the parks.
I'm sure this has already been known but you will be wearing goggles for sure for the Mario Kart ride.


What exactly do you mean about that? Are the Goggles referring to that it may be able to do AR (Augmented Reality) or are you implying that they are 3D goggles? Because wouldn't that negate what was said of the attraction's at SNW not being screen based.
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That's all I can say for now but @UniversalRBLX is on the right track.


Seems like I'm not wrong either on that one element, as what @UniversalRBLX pointed out..sounds an awful lot like something that'd be done with AR.

Edit: Looking back, If I remember correctly; I believe we talked a long time ago, about how Comcast was investing into Meta and as of more recently, the Meta 2 has started to be coming out to the business platforms for probably in the dev kit as it is right now. What I'm starting to think, if AR is happening for Nintendo, it'd be wise to keep an eye on the team over at Meta and see how their progress lies in the next two years.
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Adding onto what I pointed out...I believe @Disneyhead pointed out AR before for Nintendo in some sort. Seems like we at-least have a better understanding of how it will be used for Mario Kart, allowing practical effects and media-based imagery to exist, without a proper screen to exist. Almost in a way, how there are certain attractions that use an unconventional screen, musion.
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Is musion the new screenz?

Gringgotts, F&F, FJ....

I actually don't diss Musion, as I find it a clever enough of a way to mask an area while allowing opportunities for practical elements to come in. Best example yet from Universal in my opinion, is with Fast and Furious.

I don't care how they do it, but the Blue Shell needs to be just as terrifying and soul crushing in real life as it is in the game.

Oh I have to imagine that somehow, somewhere; it will happen in the ride. Whether if someone gets it or if it's automatically something that has to happen.
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