Ok, popping in with some tidbits...
It's been suggested that the final ride was stopped in the diorama intentionally.
I dont think this is the case because they could have stopped the ride at a different point and had the other theater in the ride system at the time return home before it was stopped.
Instead, the other vehicles were here:
They're over at least 1 show door (door B) and possibly over another (door C) while being underneath the elevated screen in Theater 2.
They stopped in the worst position possible in regards to guest safety. If someone chose to stop the ride there, they were taking a decent size gamble on guest safety, which is an obvious no-no.
When Energy is evac'ed and reset, the vehicles are supposed to be sent to whatever theater they're partially in, set on the turntable, manually spun into position, and the show doors around them raised and closed, curtains closed, and screens raised - so guests cant touch anything.
If the vehicles can't move, guests disembark wherever they are. However, if the vehicle is over a show door it is supposed to be moved. If it cant be moved, big wooden planks are brought out and the guests step on the planks instead of the show door. The top of the show doors is foam padding. They have little steel bridges the vehicles cruise across on their wheel sets. The show doors are otherwise hollow, and if you step on the foam with enough weight (avg human constitutes this) you will fall. Down. Into the basement. Out the other side of the hollow 30ft tall show door. On to a dirty concrete floor in the basement. Don't ask how anyone knows that can happen.
So much of Energy's evac process was focused on making sure no one steps on show doors.
The other bit is that to evac the theaters are in manual operation - to move the doors/screens/curtains/turntables to the "safe" positions and allow the vehicles to move in to evac positions. In manual, there is no safety system to say a vehicle is only partially on a turntable.. which may or may not have happened in the past and caused a vehicle to be spun into the theater 1 operations console destroying it at one previous point in time.
An in manual, the show doors can be brought up underneath vehicles and can lift 3 fully loaded energy vehicles off the ground - don't ask how we know that.
And in a particularly egregious instance, a vehicle can be lifted on a show door, with guest, while also having the steel frame of a Theater 2 screen come down on it, breaking the vehicle in half. Again, no quetions or further inquiry allowed.
So.. it's very unlikely anyone who works at Energy would have intentionally placed the ride vehicles to stop where they did in transition. The group coming back from Theater 2 could have made it fully on to the turntable and the vehicle chain would be fully extended in the diorama for a better stopping point just a few seconds later. (It's easier to get people out of the diorama when it's fully extended because when it's still clumped the vehicles are close together with narrow walkways and the wheelchair ramps cant be opened.)