So.. going back to Satuli.. I still think it's weird looking.
First, the mass of hanging woven whatever the heck this that marks the transition from the dining area to the order/pickup area. It's like a weird reverse kelp forest.
That's not even all of it, just one of the lane widths of it I was able to get in a photo with the urroundings for perspective.
Then there are the seating areas along the perimeter of the building.. which in finishes and color are just so out of place.
Like i said, it reminds me of the Land pavilion.
The overall look just doesn't strike me as "alien" but moreso just odd choices that don't mesh well.
Outside.. I forgot to mention this was the line for Margaritas at Pongu Pongu.
And otherwise, these light fixtures aren't really for walkway lighting - all the ACE lights do that. These are blacklight floodlights and are spread throughout the land. Some are regular light, but some are distinctly blacklights.
The ACE lights for comparison... and i just noticed that bolt is about to fall out of the speaker shroud. Someone should call that in.
Nearby there's these hentai looking tentacle critter like possums in the tree. One of which is dead.
Inside again... most of these light fixtures had painters tape on them with numbers, showing the process of getting this ready still.
And finally: A water bottle filler! Which... didn't work yet.

It's in the middle of the queue. It's as if to say "It's been two hours, you've got 2 more, refill your canteen"
One last thing - I was reportedly the first human being to purchase a pan flute souvenir cup.
Which, oddly, comes with a plastic straw. It's heavier plastic, but it doesnt have a stopper and comes easily out of the cup so it's likely to end up in an animal enclosure sooner or later.
Oh, and the chocolate cake is not worth it. Get the blueberry thing. And yes, that's a nearly finished margarita.
In the ride queue, there's a lot of these sorts of bulletin boards - and I cant decide if they're finished or if those banners inside are placeholders. They just look so odd like that.