Are you saying you don't want a Tonight Show mug? Or a shirt? Or an "Ew" shirt?! I for one cannot wait to get a Tonight Show shirt. I've been waiting my ENTIRE LIFE for a TONIGHT SHOW SHIRT!!
Seriously, I worked very close to where they film The Tonight Show, as well as the NBC Experience Store. I have not seen one person ever wearing anything related to the Tonight Show. Why people think merch is a big draw for this attraction, I don't know. Other NBC content, perhaps, though I don't have a love for any NBC show so that simply doesn't interest me. I also don't know why projects are excused because they "sell merch". I understand that's a big deal for Comcast because they get OUR money, but I'm not so sure why we cheer for attractions/additions that have the sole purpose of making Comcast more money.