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Revenge of the Mummy (USH)

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For what it's worth in the terms of investment to allow USH to shine, it needs to be a well balanced experience that caters to all demographics.

Not just Nintendo. Despite how that's looking to be the Transformers 2.0 in a boom; I'd rather see Universal keep to their strengths of in house brands, and then occasionally doing something with a third. It's why I think F&F Hollywood Drift, The Bourne Stuntacular, and a Sing: On Tour package could be a major boom to set precedent and allow NBCUniversal brands and stories to be set as the prominent, in a park that's especially rooted with that lifeblood that is NBCUniversal's film and television, across all spectrums of genre.

As far as to get back to Mummy, perhaps it's just me, but I'd actually be fine if it gets levelled for a lagoon with more walking space. Give the area a facelift like how Universal Plaza helped reshape the Upper Lot.
For what it's worth in the terms of investment to allow USH to shine, it needs to be a well balanced experience that caters to all demographics.

Not just Nintendo. Despite how that's looking to be the Transformers 2.0 in a boom; I'd rather see Universal keep to their strengths of in house brands, and then occasionally doing something with a third. It's why I think F&F Hollywood Drift, The Bourne Stuntacular, and a Sing: On Tour package could be a major boom to set precedent and allow NBCUniversal brands and stories to be set as the prominent, in a park that's especially rooted with that lifeblood that is NBCUniversal's film and television, across all spectrums of genre.

As far as to get back to Mummy, perhaps it's just me, but I'd actually be fine if it gets levelled for a lagoon with more walking space. Give the area a facelift like how Universal Plaza helped reshape the Upper Lot.
Yeah, good luck trying to sell axing a fairly popular (albeit aging) indoor coaster for just a pool of water. I think a Taron-style JW coaster would be the best possible replacement.
I mean, Hollywood Drift is right there.
I understand but USH doesn’t have the blessing of size like UO has. They need to think very carefully about what they want to use the space they have. I don’t think replacing a large ride for just a body of water is an efficient use of space. If they want to do an outdoor night show they can find another means to do it…well, they already have one with Potter.
Yeah, with the rumored Nintendoland might get a show as well....I rather see Mummy be anything else but a much as I love Nighttime shows. It just not worth a ride in this park for a show that can only happen at night which....most days they aren't open that late and without more rides you really wont have enough people wanting to stay until night to make it worth it...for now. They need to focus on rides/attractions for the next ten years and if they have the land and people/demand that when I think it makes more sense to be wanting big nighttime shows and hotels on property
Probably a stupid thought but with Brendan Fraser getting a renaissance and maybe winning an Oscar soon, you think that'll be enough to save this for another few years? Sure, O'Connell has nothing to do with this version but I could see people be nostalgic over these movies in tangent with his comeback.
Probably a stupid thought but with Brendan Fraser getting a renaissance and maybe winning an Oscar soon, you think that'll be enough to save this for another few years? Sure, O'Connell has nothing to do with this version but I could see people be nostalgic over these movies in tangent with his comeback.
Well.....I think the Mummy still has at least a few years left anyway but this isn't why it would stay.
Wait but no fr, what the heck is replacing Mummy? It needs the axe as its by far the worse version of the ride, but I legimately don't know what would replace it. DK doesnt need that much space to be honest. I'd rather have either a big thrilling ride there, or a major dark ride. I don't really want a Jurassic or Nintendo replacement as I like how morbidly varied the Lower Lot is. It still has zero cohesion, but its boderline charming. What other IP besides Dreamworks, Jurassic, Fast and Furious, and Univerasl Monsters do they own, hmmmmmmmm.


I got it! Tear down Mummy and bring me that Fifty Shades of Grey trackless dark ride baby! Its one of Universal's most lucatrive franchises and would bring in the m o m s. Christian's Seattle headquarters would be an easy facade to make, and would look great next to Super Nintendo World. The interactive queue space could be crazy.
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I keep saying if they refurbished it to bring it back to it's prime, alongside bringing back the OG ending; it might have the case for the best iteration. Above Orlando and maybe even Singapore (for atleast the coaster elements).
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I keep saying if they refurbished it to bring it back to it's prime, alongside bringing back the OG ending; it might have the case for the best iteration. Above Orlando and maybe even Singapore (for atleast the coaster elements).

Honestly I’d still say Orlando’s is better than Singapore’s just cause Singapore hasn’t updated the effects with some big refurb most noticeably in the turntable/launch room. Singapore does have a creepier vibe but the bad quality of the animatronics and the quality of what you see in the turntable room kinda put it down for me personally, but I will say I prefer the aesthetics of the finale room before loading off over Orlando’s. At the end of the day, they’re the same coaster.
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Who wants to see this sucker go?! I know I do!
over just adding new rides to other areas?

If the rumored DK ride goes in behind SNW and they add stuff to Falls lake.....we are already looking at Simpsons area having to be redone around 2028.

I'd rather we get a handful of new attractions in other area's over taking a coaster that gets up to two hour waits on busy days
Who wants to see this sucker go?! I know I do!
As much as I'd hate to see it go, I love the ride in Orlando... it definitely feels lackluster, outdated, and slightly disappointing, given the quality USH has been providing now.

I'd love for them to revamp it but I don't think that's going to happen. I think they could definitely retheme it. Nothing really wrong with the ride itself
over just adding new rides to other areas?

If the rumored DK ride goes in behind SNW and they add stuff to Falls lake.....we are already looking at Simpsons area having to be redone around 2028.

I'd rather we get a handful of new attractions in other area's over taking a coaster that gets up to two hour waits on busy days
DK isn’t coming anymore
DK isn’t coming anymore
Whatever they end up doing, Universal is looking at Falls lake and other area's not as theme park space to expand the park to fit more people in

Mummy I won't argue needs love but I would like to see a few new rides added before we just replace an attraction, like I said Simpsons we know will be coming to an end in a few years. So thats already one attraction they are going to just replace instead of adding to the park
or, or or.

Universal isn't doing Falls Lake either, for now atleast.

As far as Mummy is concerned, I am actually wondering if it might stick around longer than I think people would expect. To keep it running until it simply just can't run. I want it to finally hit the chopping block and get it's head cut off--do not get me wrong, but I would argue having something that can envelop both that and the cluster of soundstages next to Mummy and Transformers to suit it.
If it’s for a much better indoor coaster, I’m down.

Spitballing, but if we did get all that space turned into a Monsters Land with the dark ride and everything, making an indoor version of the Curse of the Wolf Man where the coaster is going through the woods, a fog-filled cemetery, etc., would be cool as hell.
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