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Rivers of Light General Discussion and Photos

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Goodness. I truly hate bringing up the Universal vs. Disney topic that we see so much on these forums, but I can't help myself.

Disney can't even get a live entertainment show to start on time. How is that possible?
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I mean at least they are trying to fix there poop show of a nighttime 'spectacular'. I'm looking at you CineSpec.

Agreed. At least Disney is trying to put a quality night time show in every park. If it is delayed because it sucks, hopefully they fix it. Honestly if that is the reason I am pretty shocked at Disney. They tend to take the cheap route and I would think just opening it and seeing how the public views it would be their route. Not delay and fix it. I mean look at LM, it opened with not all of the AAs and stuff working. And then there are rumors not all of the frozen ride will be "done" and stuff will be added after the fact. That is the Disney I know lol Open it and deal with the issues later, but lets make money now.
Agreed. At least Disney is trying to put a quality night time show in every park. If it is delayed because it sucks, hopefully they fix it. Honestly if that is the reason I am pretty shocked at Disney. They tend to take the cheap route and I would think just opening it and seeing how the public views it would be their route. Not delay and fix it. I mean look at LM, it opened with not all of the AAs and stuff working. And then there are rumors not all of the frozen ride will be "done" and stuff will be added after the fact. That is the Disney I know lol Open it and deal with the issues later, but lets make money now.
You're right....But that kind of shows us how much this show must be in trouble at this stage. Even Disney won't open it.
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Just get the dude that wrote the new Star Wars DHS show. I'm sure he could straighten out any story problems. :lol:
If you are referring to SW- A galaxy far far away. OMG what in the world was that?.... they really needed a catwalk, because it's just a fashion show to model their costumes.... well!, 20% of the show, the other 80% of the show is just movie clips after movie clips. It's just so frustrating for a fan like me :(
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Going to put this out here now: Rivers of Light as designed and installed in March had no characters at all. Don't fall for any historical revisionism.
Exactly. Good lookin out to remind us.....It will be interesting to see how this plays out, and what's Disney's spin on it.
Also, here's a pic from a recent tech rehearsal that I just found. I'm gonna put it in a spoiler though as it show's off a lot of the show's elements at once:


EDIT: lol, I guess I didn't see that they used the image on the Parks Blog. Oh well, still shows a lot.
Just read the official Disneyworld blog on this postponement. Generally Disney takes down the negative comments pretty quickly. Well, maybe they laid off the person that does it. Right now, at this moment, there apx. 60 comments, 70% of them very negative. This has not gone down well for Disney. Many of the people said they planned their vacation around that announced date, and they're not very happy campers right now. These are the type of comments I see on Magic, but certainly not the in house Disney blog. I wonder how long before they start erasing the negatives.
Just read the official Disneyworld blog on this postponement. Generally Disney takes down the negative comments pretty quickly. Well, maybe they laid off the person that does it. Right now, at this moment, there apx. 60 comments, 70% of them very negative. This has not gone down well for Disney. Many of the people said they planned their vacation around that announced date, and they're not very happy campers right now. These are the type of comments I see on Magic, but certainly not the in house Disney blog. I wonder how long before they start erasing the negatives.
they should be ripped
they ask people to plan ahead but cant get this ready
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I'm calling B.S. They announced the date a month ago. I doubt that many people planned Walt Disney World vacations for this month in that timeframe.

Regardless, the show looks beautiful and if it needs more time, it's probably just to perfect it, especially if it's utilizing new technology. Isn't this using the new droid tech?
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