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Rivers of Light General Discussion and Photos

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I'm calling B.S. They announced the date a month ago. I thought that many people planned Walt Disney World vacations for this month in that timeframe.

Regardless, the show looks beautiful and if it needs more time, it's probably just to perfect it, especially if it's utilizing new technology. Isn't this using the new droid tech?


From what I understand they just currently own the patents, and they were having issues with the FAA regarding the drones
I would imagine the floats are being weird...there are a ton of them and choreographing them all is probably a pain

I agree, I meant more what would be the issue with the show not being high enough quality for Disney to delay it due to that. I am in the camp that I think it is a technical issue more than a storytelling issue.
I saw a video of some of the testing and it looked like a hot mess in terms of trying to control the floats.
I can imagine it's not easy. Controlling with any kind of precision anything floating on water is difficult even in the best conditions. I have a feeling this show may routinely get cancelled on windy evenings.
I can imagine it's not easy. Controlling with any kind of precision anything floating on water is difficult even in the best conditions. I have a feeling this show may routinely get cancelled on windy evenings.
I was gonna say, I bet they had wind issues that need fixing. The Floats must need to compensate to continue on their programmed path
I agree, I meant more what would be the issue with the show not being high enough quality for Disney to delay it due to that. I am in the camp that I think it is a technical issue more than a storytelling issue.

It can be both, though. No doubt the tech issues are more prevalent, but a birdie informed me it may be some of the other side as well.
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I agree, I meant more what would be the issue with the show not being high enough quality for Disney to delay it due to that. I am in the camp that I think it is a technical issue more than a storytelling issue.

I'm sorry but this just isn't true.
See I can believe technical issues because this stuff has never been done before. It is one think to use trackless tech in a ride, but now you are using trackless tech on water where elements like wind are a factor. Even the current from another boat/float could cause issues with another boat/float. So this seems pretty complex to accomplish. I am not sure why they didn't expect issues though. You would think they would have seen this type of issue coming a mile away. But then again it is Disney.

The storyline rumors seem odd to me since they put that AWFUL Star Wars show out there with no issues what so ever. Looking at pictures there is no way this thing is anywhere near as awful as that Star Wars piece of junk.

ETA: Thinking about it more, maybe the tech issues are causing some storyline changes. That I could see more plausible and why different insiders are saying different things.
See I can believe technical issues because this stuff has never been done before. It is one think to use trackless tech in a ride, but now you are using trackless tech on water where elements like wind are a factor. Even the current from another boat/float could cause issues with another boat/float. So this seems pretty complex to accomplish. I am not sure why they didn't expect issues though. You would think they would have seen this type of issue coming a mile away. But then again it is Disney.

The storyline rumors seem odd to me since they put that AWFUL Star Wars show out there with no issues what so ever. Looking at pictures there is no way this thing is anywhere near as awful as that Star Wars piece of junk.

ETA: Thinking about it more, maybe the tech issues are causing some storyline changes. That I could see more plausible and why different insiders are saying different things.

To be fair, Star Wars is Star Wars. Frozen's first version of Sing-Along was pretty bare and meh and still pulled in crowds.

The thing that sticks out is the delay. They happen, sure. In the past, when something like this occurs, the PR speak is "It's delayed because we want it perfect blah blah, and will be opening later this (insert season here)." This was "Hey, we'll update you in May when we get more info ourselves". What makes it more odd is that the opening date was just announced a month ago and not to long after, insiders were saying "uh oh!". Just a strange series of events that make me go "Hmmm....".
To be fair, Star Wars is Star Wars. Frozen's first version of Sing-Along was pretty bare and meh and still pulled in crowds.

The thing that sticks out is the delay. They happen, sure. In the past, when something like this occurs, the PR speak is "It's delayed because we want it perfect blah blah, and will be opening later this (insert season here)." This was "Hey, we'll update you in May when we get more info ourselves". What makes it more odd is that the opening date was just announced a month ago and not to long after, insiders were saying "uh oh!". Just a strange series of events that make me go "Hmmm....".
Love the Monty Python Holy Grail comment at the end.
If the delay was on the creative side, then what exactly was so bad that needed changing?

Maybe they thought it was dull? I don't know. There seems to be a lot riding on this one nighttime show, including the extended hours, additional night offerings, signature restaurant with dining packages, etc.

Weren't they also re-editing World of Color really close to opening? I remember hearing bits featuring Alice in Wonderland and Princess and the Frog were cut at the last minute.
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Maybe they thought it was dull? I don't know. There seems to be a lot riding on this one nighttime show, including the extended hours, additional night offerings, signature restaurant with dining packages, etc.

Weren't they also re-editing World of Color really close to opening? I remember hearing bits featuring Alice in Wonderland and Princess and the Frog were cut at the last minute.
There was a whole scene with a specially made vertical fountain fixture that was supposed to look like Chernabog when projections were put on it. It was scrapped because the fixture would almost never work.
I have a big feeling that marketing pushed hard to get that opening date announced so they could start their summer campaign. I don't think this was ever truly on pace to open by the 22nd. The announcement of that date only made things worse because they had to rush to get the show done. As soon as technical troubles hit, there was no way they could conceivably make the opening.
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The way you twist and contort to blame every department and division other than the one actually responsible for the delay is like watching modern dance.

It seems improvised but your moves are so fluid you've certainly rehearsed this before...

Maybe Disney just shouldnt put the world Light in things. As this is literally taking the Light Magic path but with the few higher ups who remember that disaster putting the brakes on any public showings before the press can get out of hand.