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Shanghai Disneyland

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From the looks of it, their Pirates will become one of the attractions at SWL, just substitute storm troopers for pirates.

Yes, just without the water.

I think Na'vi River Journey will be this attraction just not on nearly as grand of a scale. I really hope someone eventually gets to Shanghai with access to an expensive, low light camera so we can really marvel at it, but until now it definitely looks sealed to take the crown as the most impressive theme park attraction ever made.

Sorry Mystic Manor, your reign has ended.
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now it definitely looks sealed to take the crown as the most impressive theme park attraction ever made.

Yea, I'm gonna agree to disagree. It looks nice. But gimme Mansion, Manor, Spidey, FJ, Gringotts, and ToT over it any day.

EDIT: Let me expand upon my assessment. I think it looks like a really great ride. The few AAs are cool, and the sets look top notch. But considering how heavily it uses screens, not being in 3D is a huge knock against it in my book. Way too much screens without dimensionality added to it.

I hope that if the Battle Escape ride in SWL is something similar, they make sure to add 3D to it.
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A thought to me occurs, could it be possible that WDI tries to give HKDL more attendance with a version of POTC much like Sunken Treasure? Because to me, I think that's the only way that we may ever get POTC like that outside of Shanghai (unless if HKDL already has a POTC..)
A thought to me occurs, could it be possible that WDI tries to give HKDL more attendance with a version of POTC much like Sunken Treasure? Because to me, I think that's the only way that we may ever get POTC like that outside of Shanghai (unless if HKDL already has a POTC..)

I'm willing to bet there's some sort of agreement where Shanghai signature rides can't go to HKDL and vice versa.
A thought to me occurs, could it be possible that WDI tries to give HKDL more attendance with a version of POTC much like Sunken Treasure? Because to me, I think that's the only way that we may ever get POTC like that outside of Shanghai (unless if HKDL already has a POTC..)

No, despite being all under the same country essentially its a spitting contest between Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong over which city is the best. If HK gets something Beijing and Shanghai both want it and to do better and go bigger than it and so forth. Shanghai would literally throw a huge fit if Disney even tried.
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I'm willing to bet there's some sort of agreement where Shanghai signature rides can't go to HKDL and vice versa.
No, despite being all under the same country essentially its a spitting contest between Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong over which city is the best. If HK gets something Beijing and Shanghai both want it and to do better and go bigger than it and so forth. Shanghai would literally throw a huge fit if Disney even tried.

I'm not exactly saying to use the exact same ride.

Keep in mind, there are other things that Disney could try to do for HKDL with that tech, that isn't entirely themed to POTC. I'm just opening that up, as in theory; you could do that without upsetting Shanghai into the possible mix. Much like how HKDL didn't get a true HM nor a true Big Thunder, I could see something like that occur with Pirates.

Would it? I doubt it. But, its something to just think about in a way.
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I'm not exactly saying to use the exact same ride.

Keep in mind, there are other things that Disney could try to do for HKDL with that tech, that isn't entirely themed to POTC. I'm just opening that up, as in theory; you could do that without upsetting Shanghai into the possible mix. Much like how HKDL didn't get a true HM nor a true Big Thunder, I could see something like that occur with Pirates.

Would it? I doubt it. But, its something to just think about in a way.

I think I read somewhere (I forget where) that HKDL's next major project will be its second park
I think I read somewhere (I forget where) that HKDL's next major project will be its second park

That makes sense, especially considering that they can do a good sized 120-130 acre park; and still having space for expansions of the resort.

I'd just personally wonder on how they would execute it, either by going with a Japan and doing a Sea-Based park (Which, isn't impossible actually) or by doing something else that may be a better version of a Movie-Based theme park (excluding, you know, the studio aspect).
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That makes sense, especially considering that they can do a good sized 120-130 acre park; and still having space for expansions of the resort.

I'd just personally wonder on how they would execute it, either by going with a Japan and doing a Sea-Based park (Which, isn't impossible actually) or by doing something else that may be a better version of a Movie-Based theme park (excluding, you know, the studio aspect).

Or an EPCOT style park...or we can only dream...Call it EastCOT
IP based park focusing on Marvel and other things last I heard.

Then yea; probably the rumors are pointing to a Movie based park, which makes sense. I would be surprised though if HK's second gate doesn't include SW in some sort; because of there not really being much space to do that in the current gate right now at HK.

Back to the topic of Shanghai though..that one room in Soarin.. :faint:

Doubtful, OLC is more about adding new attractions full stop, not upgrading what they have.

I think people don't fully understand that entry to China is at the whim of the government, not just if your documentation matches up. You'll need a travel visa AND get approved to visit the parks. Plus: communism.

I wouldn't. The ride is clearly the highlight of the park but it's no replacement for ours.
Yes, I have definite qualms about doing any knd of business with China for a whole lot of reasons, the enviorment and human rights being at the top, but I'm sure I could get in... Then again, I'm sure they're reading this right now and I have officially been banned. Thanks again, China.
A thought to me occurs, could it be possible that WDI tries to give HKDL more attendance with a version of POTC much like Sunken Treasure? Because to me, I think that's the only way that we may ever get POTC like that outside of Shanghai (unless if HKDL already has a POTC..)

No, HKDL got the shaft when it came to attractions. It literally started with jack on opening day.