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Soarin' Around the World

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I like how much cleaner the digital projectors in California are, but something is off about the color. It's over saturated some parts and washed out in others.

That's a bad transfer - the digital "print" process is really just taking computerized images of film as it exists. Imagine if you took every photo of the film yourself but didnt adjust the settings so the white balance was off in one part where it's bright.. that's exactly what happened. Films made in digital (recorded, editted, etc..) from the ground up dont have these isues.
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Woo Hoo! Awesome news for me since my friend is in town and we are going June 12th. I get to see the classic film one last time :)

I did notice they have not opened fast passes, but with 3 theaters I imagine they may not and just do standby for all 3 theaters.
Woo Hoo! Awesome news for me since my friend is in town and we are going June 12th. I get to see the classic film one last time :)

I did notice they have not opened fast passes, but with 3 theaters I imagine they may not and just do standby for all 3 theaters.

No such luck. The Fastpass starts booking tomorrow - along with Frozen Ever After. This is less about letting people experience Soarin and more about giving an option other than Frozen in a sad hope of drawing people away.
The current DCA digital transfer looks insanely good. I'm curious to see how the re-edited version for the states is. I really like the Bruce Broughton re-orchestration, though... it's not as powerful as the original Goldsmith one but if you're going to do a swap, might as well give Epcot another Broughton score. Never hurts.
No such luck. The Fastpass starts booking tomorrow - along with Frozen Ever After. This is less about letting people experience Soarin and more about giving an option other than Frozen in a sad hope of drawing people away.

That is fine. With fast passes it will be just as easy. I will switch over my fast passes tomorrow when they open up. I figured Frozen would start today or tomorrow because resort guests will get first crack at them :(
I am not waking up at 6 AM tomorrow lol But I imagine that there is only a handful of people that know and with 3 theaters I am thinking I should be able to get them easily tomorrow. I know when Mine Train had their opening date announcement and FPs started I could easily get whatever date I wanted early on. It wasn't until everyone caught on that it was harder to get them.
I am not waking up at 6 AM tomorrow lol But I imagine that there is only a handful of people that know and with 3 theaters I am thinking I should be able to get them easily tomorrow. I know when Mine Train had their opening date announcement and FPs started I could easily get whatever date I wanted early on. It wasn't until everyone caught on that it was harder to get them.
For me i'm more thinking about getting Frozen passes. I know my sister would love the ride and I do want to see it, but i'm not waiting in stand-by for this thing :lol:
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For me i'm more thinking about getting Frozen passes. I know my sister would love the ride and I do want to see it, but i'm not waiting in stand-by for this thing :lol:

Agreed. I am also looking for those. But it is opening on a Monday which means I won't be able to go until June 25th, which means I am far off from getting those FPs and I imagine by that point all the resort guests will have gobbled them up :( I was hoping for a little more less notice lol Or hoping to catch it in softs on June 12th.

Maybe I will make evening FPs and just go to Epcot after work with the kids. I will check in 2 days because tomorrow they won't be available for APers yet, not until Sunday.
What tier of Fastpass will Frozen be offered on? I would think you won't be able to get both Frozen & Soarin in the initial 3 FP.

No you will not be able to. I am doing the Soarin on my June 12th trip and then I will have to pick a date after it moves to the new soarin, but less worried about that one. I am thinking end of night with 3 theaters the lines should be almost walk on. Heck they were walk on before that point. I am looking to do Frozen either soft on June 12th or do it sometimes right after it opens because I think that is my best chance to get fast passes and like Mine Train that line will never be small enough for me to ride it without fast passes.

Now with rider swap I normally can do Soarin and TT with fast passes, but that is another story all together.

Also, after you use your last FP categories no longer matter. So I have lucked into higher tier stuff while in the parks. Like I did Toy Story twice in one day with Fast passes.

Speaking of tiers, when SWL opens up, I don't see a need for tiers. It will be really odd only having one park with tiers.
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I'm surprised the meet/greet doesn't offer FP.

Which M&G, the Anna and Elsa being moved over? I imagine it will be when it moves. I also imagine it will be top tier which will really mess people up since they will want the Frozen ride and the M&G. Unless they are doing it more like Mickey with multiple rooms to help with capacity issues.
Which M&G, the Anna and Elsa being moved over? I imagine it will be when it moves. I also imagine it will be top tier which will really mess people up since they will want the Frozen ride and the M&G. Unless they are doing it more like Mickey with multiple rooms to help with capacity issues.
They specified no FP for the M&G.

A theory for that could be maybe they want to run up the M&G wait time so Frozen is more manageable?
They specified no FP for the M&G.

A theory for that could be maybe they want to run up the M&G wait time so Frozen is more manageable?

Oh wow, I will be honest and didn't read any of the press releases. That is interesting that they are doing no M&G. I wonder if they added the multiple rooms then. I mean those waits get pretty high in MK. Or maybe they saw the issue with having the tiers and Frozen and M&G in the top tier would make people mad?